Sunday, May 17th - 3:00
Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy the musical talents of the piano students of Mrs. Donna Coyle. There will be a time of refreshments right after the recital. Some of our own children are her students so come out and give them your support.
Sunday, May 17th - 7:00
Regular Business Meeting
Tuesday, May 26th - 6:00pm
This month's Community Dinner will be held at Zion Episcopal Church in Charles Town, but hosted by Leetown UMC.
Food Assignments are: A-F: Desserts, G-L: Meats, M-R: Vegetables/Casseroles, S-Z: Salads
Sunday, May 30th - 11:00 Service
Graduate Recognition! If you know anyone graduating high school or college, the church is collecting the names, where they are graduating from and degree(s) they are getting. They need all the names by May 18th to ensure they are included in the special bulletin for graduation Sunday. Call the office at 304-725-5917 or pass the info on to the pastor.
Saturday, May 30th - 5:00pm
Dinner and a Movie!
Saturday, May 30th - 6:45pm
The Youth will be taken the The Night, being held at Summit Point Baptist Church this month.
Music will be provided by My Personal Bravery and the Speaker will be the Bruno family speaking about their mission trips to the Czech Republic.
Saturday, June 6th - 7:00
Family Praise and Worship Night with Ice Cream Social afterward!