Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009 Music and Drama Day Camp - Aug 3 - 7!!

Don't forget to get your kids signed up for this year's music and drama day camp at Charles Town Baptist Church. The title is American Ideal, A Children's Musical about Humility.


Lights! Camera! Ego! Well, that is, if you’re a contestant on one of the many “Reality TV” shows filling the airwaves today. Entertaining? Maybe. Harmless? Hardly.

The American Ideal shines the spotlight on 4 contestants who are competing to be the next “American Ideal”. Tonight’s theme is “Gospel Music Night”. During the production of this live TV show, contestants Willa Wynn, Anita Ward, and Neil Down discover, with the help of fellow contestant, Emma Tate, the truth about themselves as “Reality TV” takes on a whole new meaning. This humorous, tongue-in-cheek look at fame, fortune and flim-flam turns popular culture on its head and shines the spotlight of God’s truth about humility on the heart of contestants and audience alike.

Registration has been extended to Monday, July 20th! You can sign up when you are dropping off your child this week for VBS, too!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 19th - Guest Preacher

Make your plans to be here at CTBC on Sunday July 19th at 8:30 or 11:00 services to hear the Rev. Brian Hotaling deliver the serman and message. There will be a dinner, along with a question and answer session the night before so be sure to sign up to get the opportunity to meet him. See your July Beacon for Rev. Hotaling and his family's biography.