Monday, November 29, 2010
"Hat Sunday" is this Sunday!
The first Sunday of every month is "HAT SUNDAY". All are invited to wear a hat to Church the first Sunday each month as a reminder of the "Second Sunday Gleaning" for Community Ministries.
International Mission Emphasis - Sun, Dec. 5th!
We are inviting all to attend the International Mission Emphasis next Sunday, Dec. 5th, from 2-4p----We'll have a missionary to Thailand, music by the BEST choir ever and tastiest desserts by the best cooks on this side of the Mason Dixon AND activities for all ages.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Look Ahead to the Christmas Season at Charles Town Baptist Church
Saturday, December 4th: Antietam Trip to the Luminaria
(evening hours)
Sunday, December 5th: Ingathering Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Sunday, December 12th. Children’s Choir Christmas Program
11:00 a.m.
Sunday, December 12th: Youth Alive! Christmas Program
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 18th: Christmas Cantata Program
Sunday, December 19th: 7:00 p.m. (each evening)
Friday, December 24th: Family Christmas Eve Service @ 6:00 p.m.
Candlelight Communion Service @ 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 26th: Unified Worship Service @ 10:00 a.m.
NO Sunday School this day
Friday, December 31st: Open House @ The Campbell’s House
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
(evening hours)
Sunday, December 5th: Ingathering Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Sunday, December 12th. Children’s Choir Christmas Program
11:00 a.m.
Sunday, December 12th: Youth Alive! Christmas Program
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 18th: Christmas Cantata Program
Sunday, December 19th: 7:00 p.m. (each evening)
Friday, December 24th: Family Christmas Eve Service @ 6:00 p.m.
Candlelight Communion Service @ 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 26th: Unified Worship Service @ 10:00 a.m.
NO Sunday School this day
Friday, December 31st: Open House @ The Campbell’s House
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Regular Business Meeting:
Sunday November 14th @ 7:00 p.m. Last meeting of the year, you don’t want to miss it! See you there.
Operation Christmas Child:

This is a wonderful ministry sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, where we fill shoe boxes with various items and they are shipped directly into the hands of children all over the world, with messages of Scripture printed in the language of the recipient. Please stop by the table and display set up in the overflow area to pick up your boy/girl labels and instructions. Deadline for turning in your completed shoe boxes will be Sunday, November 21st. Many thanks to Steve and Lynn Faulconer for organizing this ministry every year!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Fall Festival and Chili Cook-off!
This Saturday is our Annual Fall Festival/Chili Cook-off!! It all starts at 6pm! There will be facepainting, hay rides, moon bounce, music and much more! See you there!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Special Words of Thanks.....
I would like to thank my wonderful church family and friends for all your prayers, cards and visits during my recent recovery from surgery. It was very much appreciated!
In Christ,
Eleta Chamberlain
In Christ,
Eleta Chamberlain
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dinner and Movie Night is Back!!!
The first movie night for the fall season is set for Saturday October 9 at 7:00 p.m. We'll be seeing Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.
We will also be having a very special celebration that evening for Bobby Constant, who will be retiring at the end of September. All are invited!
We will also be having a very special celebration that evening for Bobby Constant, who will be retiring at the end of September. All are invited!
Special Words of Thanks
I want to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks and gratitude for my church family and my appreciation for all of the cards and prayers and well wishes concerning my health. My treatment is going very well.
In Christ, George Lane
In Christ, George Lane
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Jefferson County Community Ministries Food Pantry Needs
“Second Sunday Gleaning”
We would like to offer CTBC a different and exciting
new way to donate food and support our local Food
Pantry and the great work they do in feeding those in
need in Jefferson County.
As you know, we publish on a weekly basis the current
needs of the food pantry. Rather than taking an entire
list of items to the grocery store, we are proposing you
try this method…..
If your name begins with:
A-D, please donate dry cereals and oatmeals ONLY
E-H please donate canned soups ONLY
I-L please donate pancake mix and syrup ONLY
M-P please donate canned fruits ONLY
Q-T please donate peanut butter and jelly ONLY
U-Z please donate canned vegetables ONLY (except corn, peas, green beans)
We have designated the “Second Sunday” of each month to be the day where your donations will be gathered for delivery to JCCM. Of course, you may donate at any time that is convenient for you, but the 2nd Sunday will be the “gleaning” time. There will be grocery carts and baskets prominently displayed in the overflow corner for you to place your gifts.
We want to thank you in advance for your wonderful generosity and support of this community mission project!
We would like to offer CTBC a different and exciting
new way to donate food and support our local Food
Pantry and the great work they do in feeding those in
need in Jefferson County.
As you know, we publish on a weekly basis the current
needs of the food pantry. Rather than taking an entire
list of items to the grocery store, we are proposing you
try this method…..
If your name begins with:
A-D, please donate dry cereals and oatmeals ONLY
E-H please donate canned soups ONLY
I-L please donate pancake mix and syrup ONLY
M-P please donate canned fruits ONLY
Q-T please donate peanut butter and jelly ONLY
U-Z please donate canned vegetables ONLY (except corn, peas, green beans)
We have designated the “Second Sunday” of each month to be the day where your donations will be gathered for delivery to JCCM. Of course, you may donate at any time that is convenient for you, but the 2nd Sunday will be the “gleaning” time. There will be grocery carts and baskets prominently displayed in the overflow corner for you to place your gifts.
We want to thank you in advance for your wonderful generosity and support of this community mission project!
Walk of Faith Banquet:
Please make plans to attend the “Walk of Faith” Stewardship Campaign Banquet being held Sunday, September 26th at 6:30 p.m. Events will include a catered dinner, celebration music, Guest Speaker: Porky Jones. Cost is $5.00 per person. Sign up today!
Women’s Conference:
Women’s Get Away! Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center in Lynchburg, VA. November 5-6 or 6-7. The SBA is paying for you to attend, but Deb Deming needs to have definite numbers very soon, so reservations can be made. Please call the church office or get in touch with Deb or Dotsi, don’t delay! This is a great way to get to know other women from around the state and for them to get to know you.
Women's Bible Study !!
Saturday, September 18th at Macedonia United Methodist Church, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $20.00 with lunch provided. The presentation is “Beth Moore Simulcast – Living Proof Live”. Please let Deb Deming or Dotsi Campbell know by Sept 5th if you would like to attend.
Friday, August 27, 2010
King of Glory, King of Love

Christmas is just around the corner! Handbells and Cantata Choir will both start on Thursday September 9th! Handbells at 6:30, Cantata Choir at 7:30 and Sanctuary Choir at 8:30p.m. The 2010 Cantata “King of Glory, King of Love” is an uplifting praise and worship experience full of contemporary and traditional Christmas music! Now is the perfect time to share your talents and join the choir!
Thank you, Kerri Sisk
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Roma Henry has passed away

We lost the beautiful Roma Henry this morning. She is now free of her pain and in the arms of Jesus! Her viewing will be on Thursday from 7-9 PM and funeral at l:00 pm on Friday. All will be held at the Enders and Shirley Funeral Home in Berryville, Va. Interment at Pleasant View Memory Gardens in Martinsburg.
A bereavement dinner will follow at 3 pm in the Charles Town Baptist Fellowship Hall.
If you are able, please bring a dish or dessert for Friday's gathering. We will be accepting food in the kitchen during the day until 3 pm in the hall. If you are able to assist with the bereavement dinner, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please call Jill at 304-724-7473 or Pat at 304-728-6734.
Thank you.
Friday, July 30, 2010
ESL News!!!
Applications are due to Deb Deming for the training in August (see insert for application). Deadline for turning in applications to either Deb or the church office is August 8th. The dates of the training are August 21st and August 28th. The cost is $45, scholarships are available. The ESL staff is also looking for volunteers to help with driving the church van and child care. Don’t be concerned about having to speak another language, the children speak and comprehend English. They would like to develop a schedule to keep one person from having sole responsibility for child care and van ministry. Many thanks in advance!
Sunday School Picnic:
The “Back to School” Picnic sponsored by the Sunday School Department will be held Sunday August 22nd at 4:00 p.m. (the Beacon said August 29th, that is incorrect). Location is still to be determined, possibly Jefferson Memorial Park. More information will be coming in your bulletins!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Goodbye Martha, you will be missed!
We're sad to report the passing of Martha Smith. A beloved community member and teacher at Charles Town Baptist Church, Martha will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with her family.
Visitation will be held at the Charles Town Baptist Church fellowship hall on Sunday, July 18, from 4 to 8 p.m.
Services will be held at Charles Town Baptist Church on Monday, July 19, at 11 a.m. Interment will be at Edge Hill Cemetery following the service. A bereavement dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall at noon.
If you are able, please bring a covered dish or dessert for Monday's gathering.You can drop off your covered dish or dessert as early as 9 a.m. on Monday, July 19. The hall and kitchen will be open at that hour.
If you have any questions, please call Jill at 304-724-7473 or Pat at 304-728-6734.
Thank you.
Visitation will be held at the Charles Town Baptist Church fellowship hall on Sunday, July 18, from 4 to 8 p.m.
Services will be held at Charles Town Baptist Church on Monday, July 19, at 11 a.m. Interment will be at Edge Hill Cemetery following the service. A bereavement dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall at noon.
If you are able, please bring a covered dish or dessert for Monday's gathering.You can drop off your covered dish or dessert as early as 9 a.m. on Monday, July 19. The hall and kitchen will be open at that hour.
If you have any questions, please call Jill at 304-724-7473 or Pat at 304-728-6734.
Thank you.
Monday, July 12, 2010
check it out
Our new web site is up and running. Check it out at or go to Thanks to Karri C. for all your hard work. Improvements will continue over the next few weeks, and eventually we hope to have a lot more features.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
2010 Music and Drama Day Camp is coming!!
Children Kindergarten through 5th grade (completed) are invited.
Come and learn all about how Life is Good. We'll have crafts, snacks, food, games and lots of singing! After a week of hard work, we'll put on a show for our family and friends on August 6th at 7:30pm.
Cost is $30 per child. You must register by July 16th to ensure that you receive your free t-shirt and cd. Contact CTBC at 304-725-5917 for more details.
Come and learn all about how Life is Good. We'll have crafts, snacks, food, games and lots of singing! After a week of hard work, we'll put on a show for our family and friends on August 6th at 7:30pm.
Cost is $30 per child. You must register by July 16th to ensure that you receive your free t-shirt and cd. Contact CTBC at 304-725-5917 for more details.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Food Pantry Report:
Please keep the food pantry in mind when shopping for your families. The following is a list of current items that are needed: As of 6/20/10
canned meat; canned soups; peanut butter/jelly; pancake mix/syrup; dry cereals; crackers; instant oatmeal; canned fruit; pork-n-beans; Hamburger Helpers; boxed potatoes; bar soap; dish soap; laundry detergent; shampoo; toothpaste/brushes.
canned meat; canned soups; peanut butter/jelly; pancake mix/syrup; dry cereals; crackers; instant oatmeal; canned fruit; pork-n-beans; Hamburger Helpers; boxed potatoes; bar soap; dish soap; laundry detergent; shampoo; toothpaste/brushes.
Men in Training News:
"Men in Training” is a small, informal group whose purpose is to encourage each other as we learn God’s will for our lives. We gather Monday evenings at 6:30 in the church office parlor and welcome men of any age to join us! MiT will launch a new study this summer. Mark your calendar and come to the planning session on Monday, July 19th.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Vacation Bible School
School Supplies for Needy Children
CTBC has been invited to participate in the School Supplies for Needy Children Project through Jefferson County Community Ministries. We have been asked to provide 45 back packs for 3rd grade students.
To participate, please purchase an age appropriate back pack and provide the supplies listed below. Then bring it to church with you on or before AUGUST 9TH. The bags will be delivered to JCCM for sorting and distribution. You will never know the child who will carry “your” back pack proudly to school, but you will know that because you cared, one child has been given a helping hand that could make a huge difference in his or her life.
Instructions: to ensure every child gets the same supplies, please refrain from adding extras such as notes or cards or extra supplies. Remove the bar-code from the backpack label. DO NOT put the supplies in the bag itself, please put them in a plastic bag attached to the backpack.
*(1) 2 inch 3-ring binder
*(6) #2 pencils
*(3) packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
To participate, please purchase an age appropriate back pack and provide the supplies listed below. Then bring it to church with you on or before AUGUST 9TH. The bags will be delivered to JCCM for sorting and distribution. You will never know the child who will carry “your” back pack proudly to school, but you will know that because you cared, one child has been given a helping hand that could make a huge difference in his or her life.
Instructions: to ensure every child gets the same supplies, please refrain from adding extras such as notes or cards or extra supplies. Remove the bar-code from the backpack label. DO NOT put the supplies in the bag itself, please put them in a plastic bag attached to the backpack.
*(1) 2 inch 3-ring binder
*(6) #2 pencils
*(3) packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
Monday, June 14, 2010
2010 Week of Prayer for Associational Missions
Pray for Our Impact in the Valley through:
Hispanic Ministries and their Pastors
The ministry of the Chaplain at the Charles Town Race Track
Thank God for our volunteer leadership in the association and pray for their guidance to lead us into the future.
For new work to begin here in the valley
Our churches without pastors and those with new pastors that have just begun their new ministry here in the valley.
That our churches will realize their unique God-given vision for their ministry and mission here in the Shenandoah Valley.
Associational Missions Offering Goal -- $3,000
Offering impact in the Shenandoah Valley: Primera Iglesia Bautista Peniel at First Baptist, Winchester, Rev. Ramon Montufar, Pastor
New Church Start here in the Shenandoah Valley
Hispanic Ministries and their Pastors
The ministry of the Chaplain at the Charles Town Race Track
Thank God for our volunteer leadership in the association and pray for their guidance to lead us into the future.
For new work to begin here in the valley
Our churches without pastors and those with new pastors that have just begun their new ministry here in the valley.
That our churches will realize their unique God-given vision for their ministry and mission here in the Shenandoah Valley.
Associational Missions Offering Goal -- $3,000
Offering impact in the Shenandoah Valley: Primera Iglesia Bautista Peniel at First Baptist, Winchester, Rev. Ramon Montufar, Pastor
New Church Start here in the Shenandoah Valley
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thank you to all who participated in the ESL International Banquet! It was quite an event from the decorations to the wonderful kitchen staff to all the wonderful food! We had over 50 in attendance and 10 were students. If you left dishes please pick them up. If you would like to attend a teacher training course, it will be held in Herndon, VA on August 21-28. Reservations need to be in to Northstar by August 11th. Please see Deb Deming for details. Also, if you can help out in the fall with transportation or child care. Thanks again to all who helped to make this a successful year! Debra Deming
Meals on Wheels needs YOU!
Meals on Wheels is in immediate need of volunteer drivers. Please contact them at 304-725-1601 if you can volunteer your time in this way. Many thanks in advance!
Address for Eli Tice!!
If you would like to send Eli Tice a note or a card, here is the address to use:
L. Cpl Eli Tice
5 East
Bethesda National Naval Medical Center
8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
L. Cpl Eli Tice
5 East
Bethesda National Naval Medical Center
8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New Arrival!!!
Callie Elizabeth Burke made her entrance into the world about 3:02 pm today, weighing in at 8 pounds and 2 ounces and 20 inches long. Proud parents are Kendall and Sheridan Burke. Granparents are Jim and Kym Burke. Carter and Chelsea love their new sister!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Address for Eli Tice
If you would like to send Eli Tice a card or other get well wishes or words of support his address is:
LCpl Eli Tice
5 East
Bethesda National Naval Medical Center
8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
LCpl Eli Tice
5 East
Bethesda National Naval Medical Center
8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thank You!
Thank you for providing food for the bereavement dinner Thursday. It may seem a small gesture to you, but the Chidester/Young family felt very cared for this week. You are greatly appreciated.
Our loving prayers remain with Paul, Peggy, Mike, Daniel and extended family.
Fellowship Committee
Our loving prayers remain with Paul, Peggy, Mike, Daniel and extended family.
Fellowship Committee
Monday, May 24, 2010
Betty Chidester
It is with deep sorrow that we share the sad news of the passing of Betty Chidester in the early morning hours of today, May 24th. Arrangements are as follows: Visitation will be on Wednesday the 26th at Eackles Spencer Funeral Home from 2 - 4pm and 7 - 9pm. Service will be at 10am at Eackes Spencer Funeral Home.
There will be a bereavement dinner at Charles Town Baptist Church at 11:30am.
Internment will be in Mary's Chapel Cemetery near Philippi, West Virginia, where Betty was born.
If you are able, please bring a covered dish or dessert for Thursday's gathering. We will be accepting food Thursday from 8-11 a.m. in the hall.
Memorial contributions may be made to Charles Town Baptist Church in Betty's name.
There will be a bereavement dinner at Charles Town Baptist Church at 11:30am.
Internment will be in Mary's Chapel Cemetery near Philippi, West Virginia, where Betty was born.
If you are able, please bring a covered dish or dessert for Thursday's gathering. We will be accepting food Thursday from 8-11 a.m. in the hall.
Memorial contributions may be made to Charles Town Baptist Church in Betty's name.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Volunteers for Children’s Sermons:
We need you! There are a few vacancies on the rotation list for the children’s sermon. If we can fill these positions, the rotation would allow volunteers to serve once a month, if that. Please contact the church office if you can help out in this way. 304-725-5917. Many thanks in advance!
ESL News!!!
The year is rapidly coming to a close for the ESL students and teachers, and they would like to invite you to attend their end of the year potluck dinner here at CTBC. The students are each going to bring a dish from the country of their origin, and you are invited to do the same if you like! The date is Wednesday, June 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. On another note, they would like to thank Chick-Fil-A once again for providing chicken nuggets as refreshments.
SBA Picnic is this Saturday!!!
The Shenandoah Baptist Association’s annual picnic event will be Saturday, May 22nd at 3:00 p.m. at Sherando Park in Winchester. A BBQ lunch will be provided!! Bring a cake or cookies for make take home a prize! I believe CTBC intends to bring home a few prizes ourselves, so plan to attend! And - our own Praise Band will be there! You won't want to miss it!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Community Dinner @ CTBC: May 25, 6pm
We will be hosting the last dinner until the fall season right here at CTBC in the month of May. The Fellowship Ministry Team is sending out a call for volunteers to help with set up/clean up for this event. As you know, it is a potluck meal, but the hosts have the task of providing beverages and place settings/utensils etc. If you can help during this event, please give Jill Lauterborn or Pat Thompson a call. Many thanks in advance for your help!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
CTBC 101 New Member Class:
Brother Brian will hold the next “new member” class on Sunday, May 2nd from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. If you need more information, please give the church office a call at 304-725-5917.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Revival in fuill swing.
Yesterday, Sunday the 11th, was a special day in our church, with Brother Steve Freeman at our church. We invite you to come again tonight to hear more, to experience worship in a powerful way, and perhaps even see your life changed.
If you have never met Steve, let me tell you what I have learned up to this point - Big things come in small packages. Steve was born with cerebral palsey, and has a few physical limitations. He is of small stature, but he is a giant of faith, perseverance, and devotion to His Lord. Steve's life and ministry is a testimony to what God can do with one who is wholly devoted to His cause.
We will meet thru Wednesday at noontime for a lunch, and 7pm for a worship service.
If you have never met Steve, let me tell you what I have learned up to this point - Big things come in small packages. Steve was born with cerebral palsey, and has a few physical limitations. He is of small stature, but he is a giant of faith, perseverance, and devotion to His Lord. Steve's life and ministry is a testimony to what God can do with one who is wholly devoted to His cause.
We will meet thru Wednesday at noontime for a lunch, and 7pm for a worship service.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Get Ready for Revival!
We are very excited to invite you to our revival services beginning this Sunday, April 11th. Our Sunday morning schedule will be our normal 8:30 and 11:00 services. On Sunday Afternoon, we will meet for dinner at 5:30 in the fellowship hall, follwed by a worship servce at 7:00pm.
During the week, we will meet for a luncheon and short message at noon, and a worship service at 7:00pm. In addition, on Wednesday, the last day of our services, we will have a potluck meal at 5:30pm.
Our evangelist is our friend Steve Freeman. Steve was here a few years ago, and is very excited to be invited back. He has an incredible testimony about overcoming adversity and trusting in the Lord's grace and direction.
We are excited about this opportunity and event. We hope that you will join us in what the Lord is going to do in our church and our community.
During the week, we will meet for a luncheon and short message at noon, and a worship service at 7:00pm. In addition, on Wednesday, the last day of our services, we will have a potluck meal at 5:30pm.
Our evangelist is our friend Steve Freeman. Steve was here a few years ago, and is very excited to be invited back. He has an incredible testimony about overcoming adversity and trusting in the Lord's grace and direction.
We are excited about this opportunity and event. We hope that you will join us in what the Lord is going to do in our church and our community.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thank you from the Fellowship Committee
Thank you for your contributions toward this Sunday's viewing at the fellowship hall. Your generosity with side dishes and desserts meant we had plenty to share with the firehouse for the bereavement dinner. The firehouse crew, too, passes along its appreciation.
The community showed a phenomenal outpouring of love for the Pittinger family. Mourners began arriving at 2 p.m. and hit a peak at about 7 p.m., with 250 people in the room at any time and a line out the door and down the hallway. The final tally approached 500 visitors.
We appreciate all who gave freely of their time and energy. Our loving prayers remain with Debbie, Eric and Angela, Big Mike, Darla Jean and the extended family.
Fellowship Committee
The community showed a phenomenal outpouring of love for the Pittinger family. Mourners began arriving at 2 p.m. and hit a peak at about 7 p.m., with 250 people in the room at any time and a line out the door and down the hallway. The final tally approached 500 visitors.
We appreciate all who gave freely of their time and energy. Our loving prayers remain with Debbie, Eric and Angela, Big Mike, Darla Jean and the extended family.
Fellowship Committee
Monday, March 29, 2010
Charles Town Baptist Church
April 11th – 16th
12:00 noon Revival Luncheon each day
7:00 p.m. Revival Meeting
Sun-Fri evenings
Sunday Eve and Friday Eve
@ 5:30 p.m.
Potluck Dinner with Rev. Freeman
Bring a Friend with you!
Introducing our Evangelist
Rev. Steve Freeman!
“I was born and raised in Wilmington, N.C. I was born with cerebral palsy and many doctors in Wilmington said I would probably never walk. Thankfully, the Lord had better plans for my life. At the age of nine, I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I graduated from the University of North Carolina with a B/A in Music in 1990. On December 18, 1993, I received my Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since that time, I have been in full-time evangelism, preaching God’s Word in revivals or conferences, sharing God’s love through the music that he has given me, and sharing my testimony of how God’s grace has made something special out of me.”
My wife Lisa and I were married in 1994, and we had our first child in November 1999, a beautiful baby girl named Berkeley. In August 2003 we had our second child, a boy named Kevin. This is our full-time vocation, and Lisa is such an asset to the ministry. She and our kids travel with me when possible and I am grateful that she works so hard to help me do what I do best.”
To learn more about Rev. Freeman and his ministry, check out his website at!
April 11th – 16th
12:00 noon Revival Luncheon each day
7:00 p.m. Revival Meeting
Sun-Fri evenings
Sunday Eve and Friday Eve
@ 5:30 p.m.
Potluck Dinner with Rev. Freeman
Bring a Friend with you!
Introducing our Evangelist
Rev. Steve Freeman!
“I was born and raised in Wilmington, N.C. I was born with cerebral palsy and many doctors in Wilmington said I would probably never walk. Thankfully, the Lord had better plans for my life. At the age of nine, I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I graduated from the University of North Carolina with a B/A in Music in 1990. On December 18, 1993, I received my Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since that time, I have been in full-time evangelism, preaching God’s Word in revivals or conferences, sharing God’s love through the music that he has given me, and sharing my testimony of how God’s grace has made something special out of me.”
My wife Lisa and I were married in 1994, and we had our first child in November 1999, a beautiful baby girl named Berkeley. In August 2003 we had our second child, a boy named Kevin. This is our full-time vocation, and Lisa is such an asset to the ministry. She and our kids travel with me when possible and I am grateful that she works so hard to help me do what I do best.”
To learn more about Rev. Freeman and his ministry, check out his website at!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
With deepest sorrow.........
With deep sorrow, I share the sad news that Mike Pittinger passed away last night. The congregation has embraced the family with their prayers.
The viewing will be held at Charles Town Baptist on Sunday, March 28 from 2-9 pm, with the family present 6-9 pm. At 5 pm, beverages and light foods will be offered in the Fellowship Hall.
The funeral will be held at church on Monday, March 29 at 11 am, followed by the internment at Pleasant View Cemetery. The Citizens Fire Co., of which Mike was a member since age 18, will host the bereavement dinner at 245 Citizens Way in Charles Town.
If you are able, please bring a dessert or a tray of fruit or cheese for Sunday's gathering. We will be accepting food Sunday from 8 am-12 pm in the hall, and again from 3-5 pm. We've contacted the Citizens Fire Co. and asked whether it would also need donations. We'll let you know as soon as learn more.
If you have any questions, please call Jill Lauterborn at 304-724-7473.
Thank you.
The viewing will be held at Charles Town Baptist on Sunday, March 28 from 2-9 pm, with the family present 6-9 pm. At 5 pm, beverages and light foods will be offered in the Fellowship Hall.
The funeral will be held at church on Monday, March 29 at 11 am, followed by the internment at Pleasant View Cemetery. The Citizens Fire Co., of which Mike was a member since age 18, will host the bereavement dinner at 245 Citizens Way in Charles Town.
If you are able, please bring a dessert or a tray of fruit or cheese for Sunday's gathering. We will be accepting food Sunday from 8 am-12 pm in the hall, and again from 3-5 pm. We've contacted the Citizens Fire Co. and asked whether it would also need donations. We'll let you know as soon as learn more.
If you have any questions, please call Jill Lauterborn at 304-724-7473.
Thank you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Calendar of Events for Spring/Summer 2010
1 - Maundy Thursday Service 7pm
3 - Easter Egg Hunt
11-16 - Revival Services with Steve Freeman
24 - Hershey Trip
2 - CTBC 101 Newcomer's Class
16 - Donna Coyle's Piano Students Recital
16 - Business Meeting
22 - Shenandoah Baptist Association Picnic, Sherando Park
6 - Graduate Recognition
12 - End of School picnic
12-16 - Vacation Bible School
25-31 - Youth Camp, Camp Frame, Hedgesville
TBD - Alma Hunt Mission Offering
1 - CTBC 101 Newcomers Class
2-6 - Music and Drama Day Camp
29 - Sunday School Promotion Day
1 - Maundy Thursday Service 7pm
3 - Easter Egg Hunt
11-16 - Revival Services with Steve Freeman
24 - Hershey Trip
2 - CTBC 101 Newcomer's Class
16 - Donna Coyle's Piano Students Recital
16 - Business Meeting
22 - Shenandoah Baptist Association Picnic, Sherando Park
6 - Graduate Recognition
12 - End of School picnic
12-16 - Vacation Bible School
25-31 - Youth Camp, Camp Frame, Hedgesville
TBD - Alma Hunt Mission Offering
1 - CTBC 101 Newcomers Class
2-6 - Music and Drama Day Camp
29 - Sunday School Promotion Day
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Special Words of Thanks….
I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for all the support, help, prayers, and fellowship of my brothers and sisters, my church family, during the last 5 years. The support I have received has been such a blessing and has helped me improve my situation greatly. May God Bless all of you!
Your brother in Christ,
Danny Mills
Your brother in Christ,
Danny Mills
Shadowlands Movie!! Pray for no snow this time!
Dinner & A
Movie Night
March 6th
@ 5:00 p.m.
The dinner will be a “potluck” so please bring a dish or dessert. The beverages will be provided for you.
Movie Night
March 6th
@ 5:00 p.m.
The dinner will be a “potluck” so please bring a dish or dessert. The beverages will be provided for you.
Community Dinner for March:
This announcement did not make the newsletter, but we do have a host for the March Community Dinner, which will be held on Tuesday March 23rd at 6:00 p.m. at the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Rippon. We do not have food assignments, and may not be able to obtain them before the dinner, so just bring whatever you feel led to prepare and come enjoy the fellowship
10th Annual Potter’s Bowl:
The Good Shepherd Caregivers is hosting this very popular event again on Friday, March 5th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Shepherdstown Fire Hall. Select a handcrafted bowl, fill it with hearty homemade soup, and select delicious breads and desserts to compliment your meal. You will have a chance to bid on some beautiful works of art and craft while you enjoy wine and cheese until auction time. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in advance or will be available at the door on a first come, first served basis. For more information please call 304-876-3325.
Good Shepherd Training:
Good Shepherd Caregivers will hold a volunteer training workshop on Tuesday, March 16th from 10:00 a.m. to noon at Zion Episcopal Church Parish House, 221 E. Washington Street, Charles Town. Volunteers with GSCG provide non-medical, neighborly assistance to elderly and/or disabled residents of Jefferson County.
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Note of Thanks
Hi, all,
Just wanted to thank you for providing food for the bereavement dinner and for helping the Fellowship Committee in so many ways. Several people stopped by the kitchen to express their deep appreciation. It's wonderful to witness Christians embracing a family in the wake of a loss.
God bless!
Members of The Fellowship Committee
Just wanted to thank you for providing food for the bereavement dinner and for helping the Fellowship Committee in so many ways. Several people stopped by the kitchen to express their deep appreciation. It's wonderful to witness Christians embracing a family in the wake of a loss.
God bless!
Members of The Fellowship Committee
Monday, February 15, 2010
Charlie Slusher will be missed!!
Dear CTBC Family,
It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Mr. Charles Slusher. He passed away early this morning, 2/15/10.
Here are the funeral and visitation arrangements:
Wednesday February 17th visitation at Strider Funeral Home from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Thursday February 18th funeral services at Charles Town Baptist Church at 11:00 a.m.
Interment will be at Pleasant View Cemetery following the service.
Family and friends will return to Charles Town Baptist Church for the bereavement dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
If anyone has questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church office at 304-725-5917.
Dawn Ball, Secretary
It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Mr. Charles Slusher. He passed away early this morning, 2/15/10.
Here are the funeral and visitation arrangements:
Wednesday February 17th visitation at Strider Funeral Home from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Thursday February 18th funeral services at Charles Town Baptist Church at 11:00 a.m.
Interment will be at Pleasant View Cemetery following the service.
Family and friends will return to Charles Town Baptist Church for the bereavement dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
If anyone has questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church office at 304-725-5917.
Dawn Ball, Secretary
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dinner and Movie Night postponed......again
At this point, we will not have our Dinner and A Movie tomorrow night (the 13th). Lady and the Tramp will be on Feb 27, Shadowlands on Mar 6, Quiet Man on March 20. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us for these future dates. (From Bro. Brian)
ByLaws Meeting, Tomorrow, 2-13-10
Good Morning all,
The team to meet and review the church's by-laws will meet tomorrow morning at 8:30 am to 10:30 am in the sanctuary. As you recall, we were scheduled to meet last Saturday, but cancelled due to to weather.
This team is open to any member of the church that chooses to participate, that is willing to share thier ideas in a constructive way, and will stay with the process until completion.
See you then.
Bro Brian
The team to meet and review the church's by-laws will meet tomorrow morning at 8:30 am to 10:30 am in the sanctuary. As you recall, we were scheduled to meet last Saturday, but cancelled due to to weather.
This team is open to any member of the church that chooses to participate, that is willing to share thier ideas in a constructive way, and will stay with the process until completion.
See you then.
Bro Brian
Thursday, February 11, 2010
2-11-2010 Messages......
CTBC HANDBELLS AND CHOIR: No Practice tonight! REMINDER: We are singing at both service on Sunday, February 14th, so please plan on being in the choir room ready to rehease at 8:00.
DRAMA TEAM: We need to practice also so maybe we should plan being at the church by 7:30 in costume and ready to practice.
DRAMA TEAM: We need to practice also so maybe we should plan being at the church by 7:30 in costume and ready to practice.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wednesday Night Bible Study/Prayer Meeting postponed
Charles Town Baptist Family,
We will not have our wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer meeting tonight. Roads are too dangerous to be out and about. Stay home and drink hot chocolate today. And remember that no matter how much snow comes today, Summer will be here in due time.
Weather permitting, we will have our Saturday meeting for the by-laws review team, and I will send out an email on Friday about that.
Love you all, and even in the snow, I am happy to be your pastor.
Bro Brian
We will not have our wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer meeting tonight. Roads are too dangerous to be out and about. Stay home and drink hot chocolate today. And remember that no matter how much snow comes today, Summer will be here in due time.
Weather permitting, we will have our Saturday meeting for the by-laws review team, and I will send out an email on Friday about that.
Love you all, and even in the snow, I am happy to be your pastor.
Bro Brian
Saturday, February 6, 2010
FROM BRO. BRIAN - Charles Town Baptist Church will have no services tomorrow. Stay home and cheer for the Saints. :-)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bylaws Meeting Postponed
From Bro. Brian:
For obvious reasons, tomorrow's meeting to review the church bylaws will be postponed until Feb 13th, 8am. Stay warm!
For obvious reasons, tomorrow's meeting to review the church bylaws will be postponed until Feb 13th, 8am. Stay warm!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A High Tea for WMU Focus Week
"A High Tea for WMU Focus Week" will be on Saturday February 20 from 2-4pm.
There will be cookies and we will also have tea and coffee and of course "Hats and Gloves"!!!! The invited guest is Michelle Heath who is the Associational Director.
There will be cookies and we will also have tea and coffee and of course "Hats and Gloves"!!!! The invited guest is Michelle Heath who is the Associational Director.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Good Shepherd Caregivers:
GSCG will hold a spaghetti dinner on Friday, February 5th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the War Memorial Building, German Street in Shepherdstown. The menu will include spaghetti (both with and w/o meat), salad, bread, desserts, coffee and soft drinks. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-12, with no charge for children under 5. Tickets will be available at both offices in Shepherdstown and Charles Town, seating is limited, so please call early to order your tickets. All proceeds will go to further GSCG mission of providing free, non-medical caregiving services to older and/or disabled residents of Jefferson County, to promote independence, security and well-being. Please call 304-876-3325 or 304-725-2262 for tickets and information.
Music Director -
Charles Town Baptist Church is currently receiving resumes for the position of Music Director. If you are interested, or can make a recommendation on behalf of someone else, please contact the church office or speak to Mike Park, Chairman of the Administrative Ministry Team.
Greeter's Ministry
Still seeking volunteers. If you would like to participate in this important ministry by welcoming our guests and members on an occasional Sunday, please contact Karen Davis.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
CTBC Class 101 - January 31st , 4-6pm
If you are a visitor that is interested in learning more about CTBC, a newcomer that is considering membership, or a recently added member, this class is for you! Come spend a couple of hours with Brother Brian and learn some fundementals of our faith, how to grow as a disciple, and what it means to be connected by membership. Meet in room 108.
Special Words of Thanks...........
As my term as Fellowship Ministry Leader has come to an end, I would like to thank my committee: Roxy Ashbaugh, Lee Ann Burwell, Eleta Chamberlain, Michelle Griffith, Nancy Hitt, Pam Judy and Jean Martin.
Special thanks goes out to Pam and Walter July, Dotsi and Bland Campbell, Evelyn and Jim Griffith, Thelma Wilt, Pat Mills, Dr. Hall and Brother Brian, all who have been there for me whenever I needed a hand.
A special thanks to Dawn Ball for her input whenever she was asked to do something for me. Thanks to my family for understanding me not being home all the time.
I hope I have been a leader that has touched my church family's heart in some way....
Love in Christ,
Pat Thompson
Special thanks goes out to Pam and Walter July, Dotsi and Bland Campbell, Evelyn and Jim Griffith, Thelma Wilt, Pat Mills, Dr. Hall and Brother Brian, all who have been there for me whenever I needed a hand.
A special thanks to Dawn Ball for her input whenever she was asked to do something for me. Thanks to my family for understanding me not being home all the time.
I hope I have been a leader that has touched my church family's heart in some way....
Love in Christ,
Pat Thompson
Talent Show - This Friday, Jan 15th
Come out and enjoy a night of all kinds of talent. Starts at 7pm! Who knows what you'll see there!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Dinner and A Movie Night - January 30th!
Come see "Shadowlands" starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. You'll need your tissues for this one! Dinner is at 5:00pm, movie is at 6pm!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Don't forget.............
Our Cantata performance will be THIS SUNDAY, January 3rd at 7pm! See you there!
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