Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vacation Bible School

“High Seas Expedition!”
July 12-16, 2010
6:00 – 8:45 p.m.
This summer set sail for VBS Fun!
Feel the sea spray on your face,
hear the sails snapping in the wind,
and you and your crew will experience
the deep rolling waters of God’s Love!

School Supplies for Needy Children

CTBC has been invited to participate in the School Supplies for Needy Children Project through Jefferson County Community Ministries. We have been asked to provide 45 back packs for 3rd grade students.

To participate, please purchase an age appropriate back pack and provide the supplies listed below. Then bring it to church with you on or before AUGUST 9TH. The bags will be delivered to JCCM for sorting and distribution. You will never know the child who will carry “your” back pack proudly to school, but you will know that because you cared, one child has been given a helping hand that could make a huge difference in his or her life.

Instructions: to ensure every child gets the same supplies, please refrain from adding extras such as notes or cards or extra supplies. Remove the bar-code from the backpack label. DO NOT put the supplies in the bag itself, please put them in a plastic bag attached to the backpack.

*(1) 2 inch 3-ring binder
*(6) #2 pencils
*(3) packs of wide-ruled notebook paper

Monday, June 14, 2010

2010 Week of Prayer for Associational Missions

Pray for Our Impact in the Valley through:

Hispanic Ministries and their Pastors
The ministry of the Chaplain at the Charles Town Race Track
Thank God for our volunteer leadership in the association and pray for their guidance to lead us into the future.
For new work to begin here in the valley
Our churches without pastors and those with new pastors that have just begun their new ministry here in the valley.
That our churches will realize their unique God-given vision for their ministry and mission here in the Shenandoah Valley.

Associational Missions Offering Goal -- $3,000
Offering impact in the Shenandoah Valley: Primera Iglesia Bautista Peniel at First Baptist, Winchester, Rev. Ramon Montufar, Pastor

New Church Start here in the Shenandoah Valley

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Thank you to all who participated in the ESL International Banquet! It was quite an event from the decorations to the wonderful kitchen staff to all the wonderful food! We had over 50 in attendance and 10 were students. If you left dishes please pick them up. If you would like to attend a teacher training course, it will be held in Herndon, VA on August 21-28. Reservations need to be in to Northstar by August 11th. Please see Deb Deming for details. Also, if you can help out in the fall with transportation or child care. Thanks again to all who helped to make this a successful year! Debra Deming

Meals on Wheels needs YOU!

Meals on Wheels is in immediate need of volunteer drivers. Please contact them at 304-725-1601 if you can volunteer your time in this way. Many thanks in advance!

Address for Eli Tice!!

If you would like to send Eli Tice a note or a card, here is the address to use:

L. Cpl Eli Tice
5 East
Bethesda National Naval Medical Center
8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Arrival!!!

Callie Elizabeth Burke made her entrance into the world about 3:02 pm today, weighing in at 8 pounds and 2 ounces and 20 inches long. Proud parents are Kendall and Sheridan Burke. Granparents are Jim and Kym Burke. Carter and Chelsea love their new sister!