Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Caroling

This FRIDAY...12/21/07...6:00 PM
We will gather at the CTBC paking lot for an evening of fun, singing, and fellowship.

Please remember to bring your buckets to carry your tunes in. HAHA

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today's Service

Services for today are as regularly scheduled
There are NO Changes in plans.
If you would get out and go shopping today then you are good to go to get out and attend services!

An Advent Story

Advent, 2002

As many of you know, my son has autism. He is 10 years old and is severely handicapped by his disability. Our family learned to slow down at Christmas a number of years ago when he was unable to tolerate *any* of the celebration. He could not handle the changing scenarios - the twinkling lights, the changes in grocery store displays, the changes in the sanctuary at church, presents appearing under the tree, the tree ITSELF, and the moved furniture. He would fall on the floor and scream, unable to move, afraid to open his eyes, almost constantly from Thanksgiving until well after Christmas when it was all over. We carried him through that time his head covered with his coat so we could get through the grocery store, or sat with him huddled in his room, carefully ordered EXACTLY the same since summer, with no Christmas trappings.

Of course our neighbor across the street was one of those folks who bought every new outdoor Christmas display. My son slept on the sofa in the living room for two Decembers, trying to stay awake so he could make sure that all of the lights across the street (on the whole block!) were functioning correctly. If one went out, or if the lights came on or turned off outside the proper times, he would scream and cry in panic until it was fixed. (Yes, I spent an hour one cold night on top of the neighbor's garage, replacing ONE BULB in a Santa display so the boy would sleep!)

Worship on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day was over-crowded and yet hushed, not a good combination for an autistic child. Christmas celebrations at home were a nightmare. Phil would scream and cry as each package was moved and (gasp!) unwrapped. As frightened as he was when each new thing appeared, he was equally frightened when it changed or disappeared. We'd try to find him a present he'd enjoy, but he'd merely scream and cry in panic at the intrusion on his carefully ordered world, and the gifts would sit ignored until he outgrew them and we gave them to some little boy who could appreciate them.

He wanted nothing. He would look straight at toys we thought he would like, and he would not react at all. He asked for nothing. He anticipated nothing. He just screamed and cried at all of it. It is no bliss to have a child who doesn't get it - who doesn't want anything and doesn't want to have anything to do with Christmas commercialism - or it is only bliss in some romantic fantasy. In real life it is a surreal nightmare.

This year, right around Thanksgiving, we once more asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas. Our 14-year-old daughter sat down and made out her list. And our 10-year old son, for the first time in his life, answered the question. "PlayStation 2," he said. "I want PlayStation 2 Christmas." We just about fell over. His sister gave him a piece of paper. She wrote "Phil's Christmas List" at the top. He wrote, "PLAYSTATION TOW" under her heading. "At Sam's," he said. "Go to car."

So, we drove to Sam's. He has never looked at anything there, never seemed to notice that Sam's has anything he might want. But he led us right to the PlayStation 2 sets, picked out the bundle he wanted and put it in the cart. "Open at Christmas," he said. He watched gleefully as we wrapped the package, and then he solemnly placed it under the tree. So, a PlayStation 2 game set sits there, wrapped, with his name on it, and he waits to open it. "December 25," he says. "Open PlayStation 2 December 25."

Last night we'd returned from yet another Christmas rehearsal with our daughter, Phil found a Best Buy ad in the paper and turned immediately to the PlayStation games. He circled "Harry Potter" and "John Madden Football", handed the ad to Bob, and said, "I want Christmas." There were tears in my eyes. It's such a small thing, but such a truly amazing thing. It's one more bit of hope that he will be able to function in some semblance of society as an adult one day - that he might be able to live just a BIT more independently, and one day want the things he needs to survive enough to work for them. (Not a foregone conclusion with autistic folks, which makes them particularly unemployable, no matter their intelligence.) Consumerism might be "the enemy", but a kid who understands none of it is only a hero in a Chicken Soup For The Soul story.

This Advent season I am grateful for being able to appreciate what complexity and miracle is involved in such small "selfish" acts as wanting something for Christmas and expressing those wants to another person. I'm grateful that my son is able to enjoy all of the commercial cultural trappings of the holiday this year instead of running from them screaming. I'm grateful for the many ways Phil helps me stop and look again, even at my most "Christian" conclusions. And I'm especially grateful that my son helps me see Christ's humble birth, over and over again, even in the midst of nightmares and worries I could not have imagined 10 years ago, even in the midst of Advent.


Jenee Woodard

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Discipleship Training 2008 Announced....

Discipleship Training 2008

Starting in January 2008 the following classes will be offered by the CTBC Discipleship Ministry:

Women in Training (WiT): this group will consist of 10-12 ladies who will come together each week for Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship. Each week the group will meet on a specific day for a specific amount of time.

Men in Training (MiT): This group will consist of 10-12 men who will come together each week for Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship. Each week the group will meet on a specific day for a specific amount of time.

3:16 by Max Lucado: “In this interactive study experience, based on his book 3:16, Max Lucado unpacks the incredible message of John 3:16, illuminating one of the most beloved Scriptures in the entire Bible. This study is for those who know these words, and for those hearing then for them for the first time. We all need its promise.” This study will be offered on Sunday evenings at 5:30, Thursday mornings at 11:00, and a TBA time and day during the week.

Financial Peace University: “The program is a biblically based accountability curriculum that teaches you to manage God’s money and resources in a godly way. It empowers you to make the right financial decisions to achieve your financial goals, teaching you to eliminate debt, build wealth and give like never before. On average, families reduce their debt by $5,300 and save $2,700 in just 91 days.” This 13 week class, based on Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace, is scheduled to meet on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. It will be facilitated by Dan Hartless and Newman Sisk. The cost for this class is $90/per family, which covers the cost for materials which includes workbook, all 13 lessons on CD, enhanced envelope system, Dave Ramsey’s book Financial Peace, new budgeting forms, bonus CD-ROM’s, tip cards, debit card holders, and more! There are scholarships available, so don’t let money be an object.

Just For Youth: Each week there will be Youth Alive! Youth Choir. You will be practicing for your Spring/Summer Musical. YA!YC meets Sunday nites @ 5:30 pm.

Just for Kids: Each week you will be participating in Childrens' Choir and Bible Skillz (you will learn all about the Bible and how to find verses and books of the Bible, etc.) Choir and Skilz meets each Sunday night at 5:30 pm.

There are classes for everyone, so don't miss out on
these great oppurtunities!
For more info just drop us an email.

Christmas Mission Offering

Baptist missionaries are serving throughout the world spreading the gospel message. Baptist missionaries do not have to raise their own support, but are supported through the generous giving of Baptist throughout the world. Each Christmas Baptist congregations collect a Christmas Offering to help support Baptist missionaries. The CTBC Christmas Offering is equally divided between the CBF Global Missions Offering and the SBLottie Moon Christmas Offering (SBC). Below is an update of the CTBC Christmas Mission Offering.

Christmas Mission Offering
Our Goal: $5,000.00
Collected to Date: $3,396.00

CBF Global Mission Offering
Theme:“Embrace the World”

SBC Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Theme: “Tell Me the Story of Jesus”

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time To Pray

Our hearts are broken for those persons whose lives have been affected by the shootings in Colorado Sunday. We join with those across the world who are praying this day for the friends and families who lost loved ones including the shooter, Youth With A Mission, and New Life Church. It is our prayer that out of the tragedy God will be glorified and Christ lifted up.

Monday, December 10, 2007

12/9/07 What A Day!!!

The second Sunday of Advent was quite a wonderful experience at CTBC. Our Children's Choir presented their Christmas musical A King is Coming in the morning and the CTBC Youth Alive! Youth Choir presented Christmas Crosstalk in the evening. Both programs were outstanding.

The town of Gossipville was all excited when they heard the news that their town was going to be visited by a king. Everyone was guessing who the king was going to be. Was it going to be Elvis, the king of rock and roll?

Was it going to be a lion, the king of the jungle? Was it going to be some other royalty? Actually, the town of Gossipville and everyone at CTBC learned that the Jesus Christ is King. And it is that King that we should prepare our hearts to receive.

Christmas Crosstalk was a superb program put on by our Youth Alive! Youth Choir. Christmas Crosstalk was filled with humor, great singing, and a message that Jesus is the Messiah. It was a command performance with reminded us that Christmas is not just another holiday on the calendar.

Both of these programs were more than just "performances" they were worship services. Each had a message that the entire world needs to hear. Christmas is about Christ the King. The babe in the manger was not just another child, not just another prophet. The babe in the manger is our Messiah.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's Tuesday, But Sunday Is A Comin'

On Sunday, December 9 there are TWO, count them, TWO exciting Christmas programs. Our Children's Choir will be presenting their Christmas Musical, A King Is Coming To Town, at 11:00 AM. As you can tell the children are hard a work and the musical will be outstanding! See you Sunday at 11:00...

Then you most definitely will not want to miss the Youth alive! Youth Choir musical, Christmas Crosstalk, at 7:00 PM. We all love a talk show, so what if the Christmas story was told on a 21st century talk show? Come Sunday night and find out.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Advent Begins

In the Christian year the two holiest seasons are Advent and Lent. Yesterday marked the beginning of the Advent. It is a time of preparation and anticipation. We prepare our hearts for the Messiah who was born on Christmas Day and we wait in anticipation of the return of that Messiah.

This year at CTBC we had a special treat as for the first time we have a Chismon Tree. As you can see this is a tree serves as a beautiful reminder of the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Each ornament was crafted by the children of CTBC. And each ornament is a symbol of Jesus Christ, our Messiah.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Events @ CTBC

There are many exciting events taking place in the month of December at CTBC. If you need more info drop us an email or call the church @ 725-5917.

Everyone is welcome to join in the festivities!

See you there!

November 30th
Youth Lock-in - Practicing Christmas Program
6:00 p.m.

December 1st
Antietam Battlefield Tailgate Picnic 4:00 p.m.

December 2nd
Decorating Chrismon Tree Service 6:30 p.m.

Dec 2nd – Dec. 24th
Advent Season – Anticipation of & Preparation
for the Christ Child

December 7th
Trip to view Christmas Lights & Fireworks
Clearbrook, VA 4:30 p.m.

December 9th
Children’s Choir Program 11:00 a.m.
Youth Program 7:00 p.m.

December 16th
Christmas Cantata Program – Choir/Handbells
7:00 p.m.

December 21st
Christmas Caroling Party @ CTBC 6:00 p.m.

December 24th
Cookies & Milk Fellowship 5:45 p.m.
Family Christmas Eve Service 6:00 p.m.
Candlelight Communion Service 10:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Today is the day in which many of us gather with family and friends to eat a Thanksgiving feast and watch football games. (The Lions just lost to the Packers and the Cowboys are tied with the Jets 0-0 with 10 minutes left in the 1st quarter...wait...the 'Boys just scored so it is 7-0 with 10:00 minutes left in the 1st quarter). There are so many things to be thankful for and I tried to name all the things that I am thankful for it would fill volumes of books.

Today started with a wonderful worship service as we gathered to worship our LORD and thank Him for all our many blessings. Over the past year God has blessed CTBC tremendously. Over the past year CTBC has participated in two mission trips, one to the MS Gulf Coast and one to Maine; Vacation Bible School which reached approximately 150 children and adults with the gospel message; Music and Drama Day Camp which not only taught children about music and drama but the love of Christ; and a leadership training weekend. In addition to these special ministries and events there were the ongoing ministries and events such as Sunday worship; Discipleship Training, Sunday evenings, Thursday mornings, and Men in Training; Children missions; Sunday School; Youth Ministry; and Children's Ministry. And I would be remiss not to mention the numerous volunteer hours logged by members of CTBC. We have persons who volunteer with Jefferson County Community Ministries (, Race Track Chaplaincy, Good Shepherd Interfaith Caregivers (, Meals on Wheels, as well as several others. The LORD has truly blessed and continues to bless CTBC.

A highlight of every Thanksgiving Day is the Thanksgiving lunch served by the Lottie Moon Group of the Women's Missionary Union ( In addition to those pictured who enjoyed the meal there were at least 12 others who enjoyed the meal via meals delivered to their homes. What a blessing!

FYI...the Cowboys are still winning 7-0 with 1:18 left in the 1st quarter.

P.S. if you find any mistakes in this blog then chalk it up to way too much turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pecan pie!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Trusting God as Savior, we can be thankful for the following:

Transforming power - Psalm 40:2

Holiness - Revelations 4:8b

A present salvation- Rom 10:9-10; Colossians 1:12

New life - II Corinthians 5:17

Keeping power - John 10:28

Shelter from the stormy blast - Psalm 61:3

Gift of His Son - II Corinthians 9: 15

Inner Peace - John 14:27

Victory - I Corinthians 15:57

Inheritance - Colossians 1:12

Nearness for the alien - Ephesians 2: 13

God's goodness - I Chronicles 16:34

Our thanks to God, who keeps on giving.

B.J. Stone

Monday, November 19, 2007

Senior Adult Sunday

Genesis 48

15 Then he blessed Joseph and said,
"May the God before whom my fathers
Abraham and Isaac walked,
the God who has been my shepherd
all my life to this day,

16 the Angel who has delivered me from all harm
—may he bless these boys.
May they be called by my name
and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac,
and may they increase greatly
upon the earth."

This is the blessing that Jacob pronounced on his son Joseph and his two sons. In ancient times the idea of the blessing is a powerful symbol of "passing the torch" to future generations. Older generations served as mentors and examples of faith for the younger generations. Yesterday CTBC celebrated and honored its Senior Adults. They led the congregation in worship while allowing the younger generations to hear their words of faith and testimony. In order for any church or organization to be healthy there must be the smooth passing of the leadership mantle. Senior Adult Sunday was a terrific way for the younger generations to honor the older generations as the mantle of leadership is passed in prayer, service, mentoring, and worship.

Jean Dodson shares her testimony

Paul Chidister shares about his
journey on the road of life.

CTBC Adult Choir

Bill Custer preaching

And what would any Baptist gathering be without food?!!?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Do U Know Ur ABC's?

In yesterday's post I spoke about Facing The Giants and what a wonderful story of faith it is. Also, I mentioned Mark Richt's statement to Grant "You became a winner the day you accepted Jesus Christ." I hope all of you who are reading this blog are winners. I pray that you have accepted Christ as your Savior. It is such and easy thing to do. So simple yet with eternal implications. Becoming a Christian is as easy as ABC.

The ABC’S of Salvation

that YOU are a sinner. Everyone has done things that are displeasing to a Holy God. Romans 3:23: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” God tells us that no sin can enter heaven. Revelation 21:25-27 “Its [Heaven’s] gates will never be shut by day, and there won’t be any night. They’ll bring the glory and honor of the nations into the City. Nothing dirty or defiled will get into the City, and no one who defiles or deceives. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will get in." Something must be done to get rid of your sin.

B—BELIEVE that Jesus died on the cross for YOU. Jesus shed his blood to save YOU from YOUR sins. He took YOUR place on the cross, and suffered punishment for YOUR sin. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

C—CONFESS your sinfulness to God, and turn from it. Tell God you’re sorry for your sins and that you believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Savior from sin. This may be a simple but sincere cry from your heart, or it may be expressed out loud. Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." When you do this (and mean it!) you are “saved.” You, along with all the others who believe in Jesus, will spend eternity in heaven with Him.

Will you now call upon Jesus to save you from your sin so that you can know God’s love and forgiveness?

Pray like this:
“Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I am sorry. I need a Savior. I know I cannot save myself. I believe by faith that Jesus, your Son, died on the cross to be my Savior. I believe He arose from the grave to live as my Lord. I turn from my sin. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to forgive my sin and come into my heart. I trust you as my Savior and receive you as my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.”

If you prayed that prayer then welcome to the Kingdom of God. You are now a child of God. If you prayed that prayer then please drop us an email to let us know of your decision so we can rejoice with you.

Maybe you read over the ABC's and have questions then please feel free to contact us. Or you may want to check out and if you still have questions again contact us. And especially contact us if you make the decision to become a winner by accepting Jesus Christ.

Facing the Giants + Tailgate Fellowship

What an unbelievable great time we had on Saturday night as CTBC showed the movie Facing The Giants and followed it up with a Tailgate Fellowship. Being a good Baptist I will start with the Tailgate...there were hot dogs, chips, nachos, popcorn, ice cream, drinks, laughter, silliness and fun! The only thing missing was a guy with his chest paint with Go Team! on it. We tried to get someone to do it, but had on takers. The closest we came was Ed B. wearing his print yellow WVU sweatshirt. (see if you can spot him below)

The movie is absolutely a phenomenal movie. It is well written, acted, and filled with humor and drama. It is a great story of faith and football.

In six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never led his Shiloh Eagles to a winning season. After learning that he and his wife Brooke face infertility, Grant discovers that a group of fathers are secretly organizing to have him dismissed as head coach. Devastated by his circumstances, he cries out to God in desperation. When Grant receives a message from an unexpected visitor, he searches for a stronger purpose for his football team. He dares to challenge his players to believe God for the impossible on and off the field. When faced with unbelievable odds, the Eagles must step up to their greatest test of strength and courage. What transpires is a dynamic story of the fight between faith and fear. Facing the Giants is a powerful experience for the whole family inspiring viewers to live with faith, hope, and love (

One of the pivotal moments in the movie has Grant calling out the LORD in his time of need with these words of the Psalmist.

Psalm 121
A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

The second powerful moment comes in the movie when Grant is alone in the locker room before the state championship game. There is a knock on the door and Mark Richt the head football coach of the University of Georgia Bulldogs. Grant was an ex-player for Richt (in the movie) and Richt came to offer support. They spoke of the game and what it would be like to be state champions. Grant stated that he so much wanted to be a winner. Richt respond, "Grant, you became a winner the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior." What truth! In our world we all long to be winners, but for many of us we already have become winners...we know Christ as our Savior.

Be sure to Check our Mark Richts bio:

More importantly check out Richts testimony here:

There were tears and cheers in the CTBC sanctuary as I believe that everyone's heart was touched by the movie and their faith strengthened by its message. And what a great thing at the end of the movie to have our Children's Choir consisting of children from our summer Music and Drama Day Camp to sing for us. their song challenged us to go out and tell others about Jesus and to accept Him as our Savior.

And now our parting shots:

Check out the official Facing the Giants website:

Monday, October 29, 2007

Chili Cook0ff 2K7

And the winners are...

(left to right) Evelyn G: Hottest, LeeAnn B, Carrie T, Bland C: 3rd place (it was a tie), Mike P: 2nd place, and Jim P: 1st place

The Annual CTBC Chili Cook-off was a huge hit. There were 15 pots of chili entered and they ranged from mild as Ivory soap to nuclear gut bomb hot. I have to say though after tasting every chili...there was not a bad one in the bunch. Everyone got a chance to judge the cook-off...with only one must taste every chili! No room for wimps. We did not use the punch card system so there were no hanging chads. But the counters did have to remove their shoes to have enough fingers and toes to count with. LOL

Congratulations to all the winners and I know that most people brought a full pot of chili and left with an empty pot. Rumors were floating that some people were trying to lick the bottom of some pots to get the last little bit of chili!

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words...

What you talkin' about Willis?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chili Cookoff 2007

CTBC Annual
Chili Cook Off
Saturday October 27
5:00 – 7:00 PM
CTBC Fellowship Hall

It is that time again! It’s time for all of you cooks to whip up that pot of chili that is sure to come in 2nd place behind Bland’s chili. As they are fond of saying around CTBC…Bland’s Chili Rocks! (well, at least Bland says it). Enter your pot of chili and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. Don’t forget…you don’t have to enter in order to join in the fun.

New Small Group Being Formed

As part of our emerging Small Group Ministry at CTBC, we are recruiting women to be a part of a new Women in Training (WiT) group. This WiT group will begin meeting in January 2008 and will meet weekly for 12 weeks. WiT is patterned after the MiT group and obviously will be for women. This group will focus on women issues and help the women continue to grow into Godly mothers, grandmothers, church members, leaders, etc. If you would be interested in being a part of this group then drop an email to us.

Also, CTBC ask that you begin or continue to pray for our emerging Small Group Ministry.

MiT Update

For the past 4 weeks ten men have been meeting each Monday night for a time of study, fellowship, sharing, and prayer. We have been using The Transformation of a Man's Heart to guide our study time. I will have to say that this book has truly touched me and has gotten me to examine my life and my masculinity in Christ. And I would venture to say that each man in the class feels similar to me. Each Monday night I go home refreshed, challenged, and energized from meeting with this group of men. There is a bond being formed as brothers in Christ. Some would say that this is a he man group that is misogynic in nature (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women), but I would totally disagree. This is a group of men who are striving to be Godly men and to learn how to be better husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and just a better man.

MiT has been a blessing for all of the participant's and in turn will be a blessing to CTBC as these men as they serve as Godly leaders at CTBC. With the success of this group there will be other MiT classes forming soon. These classes will officially begin in January 2008. If you are reading this blog and would be interested in being a part of MiT then please contact me.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hungry Jacks and Jills

Last night over 70 people enjoyed an all you can eat pancake dinner hosted by the CTBC Fellowship Ministry Team. The dinner consisted of pancakes, sausage,and sausage gravy. No one, I repeat NO ONE went home hungry. Including a few people I know who have empty legs to store all the food they can eat. :-) In fact Ed B. who can whip out some pancakes stated that he cooked at least 1001 pancakes and there was none left. He had to scrape the batter off the bowl in order to make just a couple of pancakes. I am not sure, but I think I saw someone even putting syrup on the plate the pancakes were on and eating the crumbs.

As the saying goes...Kiss the Cooks

Mr. Pancake himself...Ed B.

Mr. Pancake #2....Jim G.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We Went, We Saw, We Had A Blast!

On November 11, 10 ladies from CTBC took a day trip to the Winchester, VA to visit the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley It was reported by one participant that they "had more fun than a Barrel of Monkeys."

I realize that some of you who will be reading this will say to yourself, "Regis, what is a Barrel of Monkeys? How do you get monkeys in a barrel? And where is PETA when you need them?" Actually, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Barrel of Monkeys is a toy game first created by Lakeside Toys in 1965. Today it is produced by the Milton Bradley Company. Milton Bradley's editions consist of a toy barrel in either blue, yellow, red, or green. The barrel contains 12 monkeys, their color usually corresponding to the barrel's color. The instructions on the bottom of the barrel state "Dump monkeys onto table. Pick up one monkey by an arm. Hook other arm through a second monkey's arm. Continue making a chain. Your turn is over when a monkey is dropped." In addition to these basic instructions, the barrel also contains instructions for playing alone or with two or more players." Check out this link to purchase this inexpensive game which will provide hours of fun for all ages If you want to satisfy your immediate craving to purchase a Barrel of Monkeys you might want to check out Wal-Mart, Toy R Us, Target, K-B Toys, etc. Besides you will avoid shipping charges.

Hence, I digress. Rumors have it that these ladies got a little silly as the day wore on. And as they say the proof is in the pudding or pictures...

Upon arriving at the museum...

Mid afternoon...
Every participant reported that they had a great time and that the ice cream at the Dairy Freeze was par excellent as usual. If you ever stop there I recommend the raspberry/vanilla swirl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


On Monday night, 10/1, there was a group of 9 men who gathered together to be a part of the inaugural Men in Training (MiT) small group. This group of men have committed to meet once a week for the next 12 weeks for a time of study, fellowship, friendship, and Christian growth. Each are willing to allow there hearts to be transformed by God into the man that God has created them to be. This transformation that will not only positively impact their lives, but the lives of their family, friends, and CTBC. MiT is reading and working through The Transformation of a Man's Heart complied and edited by Stephen W. Smith. It is a book in which 12 writers offer their reflection on the masculine journey and in turn offer each man who reads the book an opportunity to reflect on their personal masculine journey. This MiT group uses the confession written by Smith, in chapter one, as it prayer for their lives and the group.

God uses flawed men to accomplish His purposes.
I am a flawed man.
I am a man in process.
God is using me now and will continue to use me in the future to accomplish what He desires.
I am not perfect, but I am available.
Come, O God, and transform my heart.

If you a reading this blog I ask that you covenant with me and this MiT group to pray daily for MiT, their families, and CTBC.

Prayer and Praise Service
Sunday October 7 & 14
6:00 p.m.
CTBC Sanctuary

This is your invitation to be a part of these informal drop-in services. Join us anytime between 6:00 - 6:45 pm on 11/7 and between 6:00 - 6:30 pm on 11/14. To quote the popular praise song, “Come just as you are to worship”. Also, starting at 5:30 pm you will not want to miss Discipleship Training for adults, youth choir for youth, and children's choir + Bible Skillz for children.

Check out this blog in the next couple of days for info about the CTBC Pancake Dinner on 10/14. It is free and you can eat until you can't eat another bite!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

English As A Second Language (ESL)

Today, CTBC commissioned five missionaries to work with our ESL Ministry. Each of these missionaries are members of CTBC and have been obedient to the call of God in their lives. As part of the commissioning service these 5 missionaries committed themselves to "intentionally demonstrate ans share Christ's love with internationals as they teach ESL in our community." CTBC has committed to pray for, partner with, support, encourage and rejoice with these missionaries. Here is the information for any of you who would be interested or know someone who would be interested in ESL classes.

Information and Registration
September 26: 6-8 PM
September 30: 2-4 PM
Classes begin the week following the open registration.
Fee: $25 which covers all materials.
Classes are offered September 07 - May 08
For more information call 304-725-5917
Mon - Fri 9 AM - 3 PM

CTBC Picnic

On Sunday September 16, 2007 over 90 CTBC'ers gathered at the new Lance/Slusher Park in Ranson, WV for the annual CTBC Picnic. The weather was absolutely fantastic...the skies were blue, a cool breeze blew through the pavilion and the smell of grilled burgers and dogs wafted through the park. I don not believe that a more perfect day could have been ordered up! A huge thanks go to the CTBC Fellowship Ministry Team along with Darla, Debbie, Dotsi, and others for setting up and to Mike and Bland for being our grill masters. As the pictures can attest to the evening was perfect! Many expressed that this was the best CTBC Picnic EVER!

Lance/Slusher Park has some of the finest seating in the greater Charles Town/Ranson area. Bar None!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Some Final Pics

On the last night of VBS the kids Plunged into Service. They learned how Jesus modeled servant hood by washing the disciples feet. Then each of the kids had there feet washed by Judy. It was a great lesson for the kids to learn because what the church of today needs more than ever is servant leaders who lead in the model of leadership set forth by Christ. And the earlier the foundation is laid, better the chance the kids will learn about becoming a Christ like servant.

It's JP!!! The VBS mascot...

And when you think you have seen it see a fish wearing sunglasses!

VBS Wrap-Up

Being fairly new at this blog thing, I have to apologize for being so late in this post. But, it has given me a couple of days to reflect on the week that was. It was a fantastic week and if the smiles on faces are a reflection then everyone had a blast! The music was great as were the games and crafts and food and friends and you name it and it was great. I have to say that my favorite part of VBS was the holy moments in worship when I knew that God was there. The kids sang "The Gift of My Heart"

Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways.

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.

Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.

The sheer innocence and love of Christ and openness to His Spirit was a touching thing. Tears came into my eyes each time I heard the song sang because I knew that God was there and smiling at the sacrifice of song. Scripture tells us that unless we become like little children we shall never see the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom on earth was evident as the children sang and truly offered their hearts to God in worship.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Plunge Into Courage!

Tonight's theme was one that all 100+ kids and adults needed to be reminded of. In our world there are man things which frighten us. And many times those things are not as big as we think. Sure there are terrorist, wars, hurricanes, etc. but there is also the neighbor who needs to hear about Christ or just needs a friend. Maybe it is the courage to touch the untouchables, to love the unlovable, to let go of bitterness, to forgive, etc. that each of us needs. Just as Peter had the courage to step out of the boat and walk on water each of us needs the courage to step out on faith. But, Peter sank. So true, but Jesus was there to help him up and walk on water together to the boat. The other disciples stayed in the boat and missed the miracle of walking on water that Peter experienced. It is time for each of us in childlike faith to step out and meet Jesus. We just might walk on water!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hump Day....

Give it up for the VBS mascot...JP the Peguin. Everyone's favorite winged mascot. Who reminds us each night to Take the Plunge!

It has been quiet the day for this tired old, fat man. Although it has been a fantastic week of VBS. The energy level gets higher and higher each night. If only I could bottle it up and sell it. I would be on more infomercials thn Ronco. I would rule the late night airwaves hoking "Energy Elixer". And the awesome thinga bout this energy is that the kids are directing it all to worship of God. There is nothing as wonderful as seeing the kids raise thier hands and jump around doing the motions to the songs which praise God.
Scripture says that "little child shall lead them" and a person must be like a child to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Each time I am a part of VBS I am reminded why god spoke these words to use. To see the excitement, enthsiasm, joy, and love that each child brings to VBS, brings to worship, is contagious. I can only hope that I enter into worship with the same excitement and enthusiasm.

We are having a week that rivials no other week. And in two weeks we get to do it again at Music and Drama Day Camp. Who said that things slow down in the summer?

What some people will do to get on this blog!!!!

OH MY! Tina Turner ain't got a thing on those legs!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Plunge into Worship!

This entry is being written on Wednesday morning. Why not last night? Why, you ask. I will tell you why. By the end of the night I was dazed and confused with excitement! I tried to write but it made no sense...even to my scatter brain. So, I sit here on Wednesday moring reminicing about last night's VBS. It was another night of fun, energy, games, food, energy, worship, and did I mention energy? The air was electric with excitement as the kids and adults learned to Plunge into Worship. JP the penguin who lives in a water park, our VBS mascot, reminded us that worship is living each day to the glory of God. We were encouraged to live each day to the fullest and to give God glory in everything that we do. And that is what living a life of worship is all about.

Personally, I loved the splash point because I beleive that in our lives worship is not problem. The problem is worshipping the right person. Just look at the magazines and news shows and you can see who and what our world worships. Fame, money, poularity, movies stars, etc. are worship by thier adoring fans every day. But, they find out that thier worship is empty and void. The VBS kids learned that by worship in Jesus they can find fullfillment in thier lives. They learned what the most important thing is that is worshipping Christ Jesus. It is my prayer tht every kid and adult who atttended last night will learn to give God the glory for thier lives. And that is my prayer for everyone who is reading this blog or breathing on planet earth.

Looking for pics? Look no further: