It has been quiet the day for this tired old, fat man. Although it has been a fantastic week of VBS. The energy level gets higher and higher each night. If only I could bottle it up and sell it. I would be on more infomercials thn Ronco. I would rule the late night airwaves hoking "Energy Elixer". And the awesome thinga bout this energy is that the kids are directing it all to worship of God. There is nothing as wonderful as seeing the kids raise thier hands and jump around doing the motions to the songs which praise God.
Scripture says that "little child shall lead them" and a person must be like a child to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Each time I am a part of VBS I am reminded why god spoke these words to use. To see the excitement, enthsiasm, joy, and love that each child brings to VBS, brings to worship, is contagious. I can only hope that I enter into worship with the same excitement and enthusiasm.
We are having a week that rivials no other week. And in two weeks we get to do it again at Music and Drama Day Camp. Who said that things slow down in the summer?
What some people will do to get on this blog!!!!
OH MY! Tina Turner ain't got a thing on those legs!!!
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