It has been a wonderful day for the CTBC Mission Team in Sabattus. Ed, Barb and Michelle have arrived safely so now the entire team is together. This morning as we arrived at Pathway Community Church we were welcomed by a billboard along the road for all to see.
This afternoon we were able to help out around the church by planting flower beds, straightening up the church, and installing air conditioners. As you can tell from the pics we had a blast helping out. And for the most part everyone behaved themselves. I am glad Evelyn came along to keep Jim in line. LOL Just kidding Jim...we could have not done it without you!

After it was all said and done the church looked fantastic. Evelyn and Eleanor did a great job working in the flower beds and the "communion" barrels.
While at dinner Mary Beth pointed out a local free advertisement paper that is sprinkled throughout with wit, wisdom, and jokes. It seems as if this weeks jokes are all WV jokes. Here is a sampling:
Did you know that the toothbrush was invented in WV? If it had been invented anywhere else it would have been called a teethbrush.
Did you hear that the WV legislature is going to raise the drinking age to 32? They are hoping to get alcohol out of the high schools in the state.
And what joke book/ad paper would be complete with out a blonde joke?
Two blondes were out hunting. They decided that to get a better chance of getting something it would be best to split up. The 1st blonde said to the 2nd blonde, "If you get lost, fire three shots into the air every hour. That way I can locate you."
After about 3 hours, the second blonde found that she was really lost. She decided to fire three shots into the air like her friend had told her too. She waited an hour and did it again. She repeated this until she was out of ammo.
The next morning the first blonde found the second with the help of a forest ranger, She asked the first blonde if she had done what she was told to do?
The blonde answered, "Yes, I fired three shots into the air every hour on the hour until I ran out of arrows."
It has been another great day and tomorrow out group is looking forward to another great one. We will be working on two local projects involving helping out prepare for a community yard sale in which the proceeds go to local charities. The others will be scoping out and starting on a couple of local construction projects. Thanks for the prayers and keep on praying for us! We are praying for you!
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