On the last night of VBS the kids Plunged into Service. They learned how Jesus modeled servant hood by washing the disciples feet. Then each of the kids had there feet washed by Judy. It was a great lesson for the kids to learn because what the church of today needs more than ever is servant leaders who lead in the model of leadership set forth by Christ. And the earlier the foundation is laid, better the chance the kids will learn about becoming a Christ like servant.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Some Final Pics
On the last night of VBS the kids Plunged into Service. They learned how Jesus modeled servant hood by washing the disciples feet. Then each of the kids had there feet washed by Judy. It was a great lesson for the kids to learn because what the church of today needs more than ever is servant leaders who lead in the model of leadership set forth by Christ. And the earlier the foundation is laid, better the chance the kids will learn about becoming a Christ like servant.
VBS Wrap-Up
Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways.
Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways
Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise
Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
The sheer innocence and love of Christ and openness to His Spirit was a touching thing. Tears came into my eyes each time I heard the song sang because I knew that God was there and smiling at the sacrifice of song. Scripture tells us that unless we become like little children we shall never see the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom on earth was evident as the children sang and truly offered their hearts to God in worship.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Plunge Into Courage!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hump Day....

We are having a week that rivials no other week. And in two weeks we get to do it again at Music and Drama Day Camp. Who said that things slow down in the summer?
OH MY! Tina Turner ain't got a thing on those legs!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Plunge into Worship!
Looking for pics? Look no further:
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Take the Plunge!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Kickoff
It goes without saying the inflatables were a HIT! Both children and adults enjoyed the Monster 25 foot slide...
And the fun did not stop there for there was SNO CONES...a crowd favorite no matter the weather! But, on a hot, hot, hot day there was nothing finer that a cold sno cones. Notice that sno cones are not only for kids. :-)
And talk about entertainment. WOW! Sunday's Obsession and 99+1 rocked the neighborhood while CTBC's own, Donna Hall, inspired us with praise and worship music. The place was amazed with the dance moves of Heaven Sent, a dance troupe from Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Harpers Ferry, WV. As they say in the community news section of the paper...a good time was had by all!
Sunday's Obsession

Heaven Sent