It was a wonderful weekend of celebrating womanhood at CTBC. The weekend began with a lovely Women's Breakfast Tea hosted at CTBC by the Fellowship Ministry Team. Each woman in attendance was treated to a special breakfast especially prepared for them as well as a heart felt program honoring them as Christian women.

Today's worship service was dedicated in honor and memory of all the important women in our lives.
This beautiful floral arrangement was provided by the CTBC Flower Ministry in celebration of all women. It was bore out in our worship service that every woman in our lives serve as a mother to us. They may be our biological mother who gave birth to us or she may be our adoptive or foster mother. This woman may be someone who has experienced the death of a child or by choice or medical reason have never had a child of their own. In our lives every woman serves as a mother to us...a spiritual mother who unconditionally loves us and points us toward Jesus Christ. A woman who is the presence of our Savior in flesh and blood. We at CTBC celebrate all women on this Mother's Day 2008.
During Mission Friends and Children in Action (CiA) our children made gifts for the special women in their lives. Our Children in Action Mission Group Leader, Mrs. Donna Hartless, wrote the following in honor of Mother's Day and was include with each gift.
Today we discussed the most amazing missionary!
They are called to the toughest mission field there is!
This person gives 100% of themselves, 100% of their time.
They are never too tired, sick, hungry, or busy to respond when called upon.
Sometimes they feel like their loving words go unheard and their kind actions go unnoticed, but that is not so!
For you are the missionary, Mother, and your family is the mission field.
I just wanted you to let you know that I love you very much and appreciate you. Thank You Mother for answering God's call!

Children in Action hard at
work on their special gifts.
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