Monday, July 18, 2011

School Supplies for Children Project - Deadline: August 8th

Once again our church has been invited to participate in this project sponsored by Jefferson County Community Ministries. We have been asked to provide 40 backpacks for intermediate-grade students.

To participate, purchase a backpack and provide the supplies listed below. Then bring it to church with you on or before August 8th. The bags will be delivered to the JCCM office for sorting and distribution.

You will never know the child who will carry “your” backpack proudly to school, but you will know that because you cared, one child has been given a helping hand that could make a huge difference in his or her life.

• (1) 2 inch 3-Ring Binder
• (3) packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
• (6) #2 pencils

You can also choose to contribute any of the extra supplies listed below. These items are needed by school counselors and teachers on an emergency basis and will be much appreciated! (please do not include these items inside the bookbags, separate)

*glue sticks *crayons *pencil boxes *children’s socks sizes 2-9
*wide ruled notebook paper *children’s shoes sizes 2-9

Here are a few guidelines to follow: Do not put the supplies in the backpack, put them in a plastic bag attached to the backpack. Remove the bar code from the backpack label. Please do not include “extras” of any kind, including notes or cards. This ensures that every child gets the same supplies.

Thank You!

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