Monday, June 30, 2008
A Video is Worth A Million Words
Thanks to my friend Jim K. for sending this link! And no it is not him in the video! Honestly, it is not him.
The Inflatable Monkey War June 22-27, 2008
It was an epic battle fought for days. The monkeys and their friends were resilient and did not give in nor surrender easily. They attempted several sneak attacks...

But they were not match for the superior skills and battlefield manvering of Bland and Ed. The came with the BIG Beach Balls only to fall swiftly. Well not so swiftly. Have you ever considered how much air is in one of those BIG Beach Balls?

While Barb manhandled, err...womanhandled... the palm tree! Go Barb! Go Barb! Show not mercy Barb!

But when the day was done and the final bell had tolled, the CTBC'ers deflated the army of monkeys, trees, gators, parrots and the like.

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Norfolk Mission Trip Wrap-Up
After having a couple of days to catch up on sleep, I can look back on our week at Norfolk with bright eyes and a bushy tail. Overall the week was a HUGE success. Each day we saw the number of children at VBS grow as word of mouth got out. I know that each CTBC'er returned with a heart full of memories and a mind full of stories that will stay with them the rest of their lives. It was a true blessing for us to be welcomed by Spurgeon Memorial Baptist Church (thanks to Carolyn for the still warm Krispy Kreme's) and to be able to plant gospel seeds throughout the Norfolk area. We may never in this life see the fruits of our labor this week, but know that some of the seeds scattered will land on good soil and take hold. Here are a few pictures from the week...

Do you know how hard it is to carry a ping pong ball on a spoon?

Friday's trip...Norfolk to Newport News...20 miles...2 hours 15 minutes

Friday, June 27, 2008
We finally made it home! We were able to cram a 4 hour trip into 8 hours. On the way out of Norfolk the tunnel on I-64 had a backup (just a mere up to 6 hour) then we attempted to head out of town via the I-264 tunnel which had a 7 mile back-up. We were able to take VA highway 17 all the way back home. Needless to say..we are wiped out. Check back this weekend for the wrap up!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Norfolk Missions Day 4
We had another successful day in Norfolk. The energy at VBS was through the roof and the kids were energetic too. Again today the children heard the gospel message loud and clear while having a great time of fun! It is amazing to see how each of the children have begun to grow in thier knowledge of Jesus. Also, many of the children have warmed up to us and begun to talk freely to us. The walls of distrust have been broken down. All of us on the mission team can see God working.
Our afternoon consisted of another trip to the beach to pass to care kits to the lifeguards. Every lifeguard was happy to receive the kits and in fact many immediately drank the water. The temperature was pushing 100 degrees today. Carrie and Brianna made the sacrifice to had out the kits. Thank goodness it was big hairy lifeguard day today at VA Beach!
Barb, Evelyn, Carrie, and Brianna are all smiles on VA Beach.
Super Ed saves the beach from the giant smiley face!
The Inflatable Monkey War Continues...
The monkeys mounted an fierce attack with a little help from their friends, but the secret weapon was unleashed upon the unsuspecting monkey forces. We came, We saw, We deflated! For those of you keeping score CTBC Mission Team 3 Inflatable Monkeys 0.

Norfolk Day 3.5
Jesus and the 12 Brothers aka 12 disciplines
First came John and James his brother
Sturdy sons of Zebedee
Andrew next and Simon Peter
Fisherman of Galilee
Phillip and his friend Nathaniel
Sometimes called Bartholomew.
Matthew who collected taxes
And who wrote a gospel too.
Next came Thomas, he who doubted.
Simon and another James.
Then the Judas who was faithful
Thaddeus was his other name.
Then the Judas who betrayed him.
These the Master's chosen few
But, we all are His disciples
When we try His will to do.
Sturdy sons of Zebedee
Andrew next and Simon Peter
Fisherman of Galilee
Phillip and his friend Nathaniel
Sometimes called Bartholomew.
Matthew who collected taxes
And who wrote a gospel too.
Next came Thomas, he who doubted.
Simon and another James.
Then the Judas who was faithful
Thaddeus was his other name.
Then the Judas who betrayed him.
These the Master's chosen few
But, we all are His disciples
When we try His will to do.
At the closing gathering each day the children are asked what the Bible story was about that particular day. With all sincerity one girl responded Jesus and the 12 brothers. Above is the poem that Ed Burwell taught the children to remember the names of the 12 disciples.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 3 - Norfolk Mission Trip
Today we had a good day at VBS. We kicked off the day with a balloon pop game in which the kids had to run to the chair, take a balloon, sit on the balloon until it popped and then run back to tag the next person in line. Sounds easy huh? In the words of Lee Corso, "Not so fast my friend!" Let's go to the video...
And then today during the music time, Bland put on the moves. Dude, he has got rhythm and he has style. He is such the dancer. Video don't lie.
This afternoon we went to VA beach to pass out specially made packets for lifeguards. Each kit contained: water, gum, hard candies, handi wipes, chap stick, New Testament, and an Invitation CD. Carrie and Brianna passed out a lion's share of the kits. There was not one lifeguard who turned down a kit and several thanked us for the kits.
Brianna and Carrie head out to the lifeguard stand.
Heading back after a successful kit drop off. It was a quick trip because Wednesday is Ugly Lifeguard Day at VA Beach.
Your random shot of the day.
The Inflatable Monkey War was at a lull today. However, it seems as if the monkeys have begun to form alliances with the other Inflatable Animals of the Jungle. Rumor has it that their working name is the Inflatable Jungle Animal Justice League.

The Inflatable Monkey War was at a lull today. However, it seems as if the monkeys have begun to form alliances with the other Inflatable Animals of the Jungle. Rumor has it that their working name is the Inflatable Jungle Animal Justice League.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Norfolk Day 2
Today was a great day at VBS. There were more children there and once again the energy was high. The kids are great to work with and are learning a lot about Jesus and His love. Every kid is on the edge of their seats at Chadder's theater with Evelyn Griffith, Ed Burwell is doing an excellent job teaching the Bible, Barbara Burwell rocks in the craft room, and Brianna Jarcey is a fantastic worship leader! We are blessed to have the best VBS mission team on the planet!! And we will only get stronger as Carrie Thompson arrives tonight...WOO HOO. Team CTBC is the best!
Duck, Duck Goose...Mrs. Evelyn is the Queen!
Ed leads the Bible story time
Brianna leads the kids in worship music.
Ed passes out Frisbees
Some guys tossing around a Frisbee we gave them, cool!

Just insert your own caption for this one.
Now your daily update on the Mission Trip road trips. We have a van, we have the keys, and we tend to drive in circles. Today on the way to the church we missed the exit and did not realize it for several miles. what tipped us off was passing Mt. Trashmore which was one thing that we had not seen on our various times circling the Norfolk/VA Beach/Chesapeake/Portsmith area.
The Inflatable Monkey War Continues...
You deflated our brother and now we will deflate you!

Bring it on!
We deflated your brother and
We Will...We Will...Deflate You...Deflate you!

In the afternoon we all headed to the beach to pass out free Frisbees to anyone who wanted them. Over 25 were passed out to those willing to take them. Honestly, we had no problems with persons taking them. Each black Frisbee in imprinted with . It was beautiful day to be at the beach and the ladies enjoyed a nice bike ride on the boardwalk while Bland and Ed sat on a bench swapping stories, go figure.

Some guys tossing around a Frisbee we gave them, cool!

Just insert your own caption for this one.
Now your daily update on the Mission Trip road trips. We have a van, we have the keys, and we tend to drive in circles. Today on the way to the church we missed the exit and did not realize it for several miles. what tipped us off was passing Mt. Trashmore which was one thing that we had not seen on our various times circling the Norfolk/VA Beach/Chesapeake/Portsmith area.
The Inflatable Monkey War Continues...

Bring it on!
We deflated your brother and
We Will...We Will...Deflate You...Deflate you!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mission Trip Day 2
Today we began our work in earnest. Although the crowd at VBS was not as large as we planned, they made up for it in the sheer energy they brought with them. The kids had a great time and the adults were left pooped out. Here are some of the highlights from our morning:
According to Google maps our hotel is "8.3 mi – about 11 mins" from Spurgeon Memorial Church (where we are doing VBS). Check out the route here. According to Google maps the way that Bland took us back was "31.6 mi – about 44 mins" The Correct Way vs. Bland's Way

Brianna (yellow hat) did a fantastic job leading singing for VBS. She had two assistants from the church (orange hat and yellow hat). A sigh of relief was heard when everyone learned that Bland would not be using his paint peeling voice to lead music!!
According to Google maps our hotel is "8.3 mi – about 11 mins" from Spurgeon Memorial Church (where we are doing VBS). Check out the route here. According to Google maps the way that Bland took us back was "31.6 mi – about 44 mins" The Correct Way vs. Bland's Way
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Mission Trippers Take On Norfolk
Our mission team arrived today in Norfolk all geared up to lead a VBS for Spurgeon Baptist Church. We rolled in at about 5:45 after a fairly uneventful trip. Other than enduring all of Ed Burwell and Bland Campbell's stories. Mile after mile after mile they exchanged stories, Barb corrected a few of Ed's and Brianna just quietly sat passively by. We busted our rear ends decorating the church and getting it all set up for VBS. Evelyn was busy bringing in inflatable animals and beach balls and we were all amazed at her efficiency. That was until we found out that one of the men of the church had brought in a mini compressor. HMMM...that Evelyn can be so, so tricky :-) all the little mission trippers have retired for the night for morning will come way to quickly. Please remember our team in prayer this week: Ed and Barbara Burwell, Jim and Evelyn Griffith, Brianna Jarcy, Carrie Thompson, and Bland Campbell.
A Special Day of Worship
A Sneek Peek Into The Past
On June 8, 2008 the Charles Town Baptist Church found a way to beat the first heat wave of the summer. It hosted a Summer’s Here Picnic featuring Wild and Wonderful Water Games. Traditional picnic fare such as grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, baked beans, salads, fruit, and desserts galore lined the tables. While many of the adults fellowshipped together in the air conditioned CTBC building, all the children (young and old) took to the church yard to cool off. The children beat the heat with several different water games including water balloon volleyball, a water balloon fight, and the ever popular Slip ‘N Slide. It was just the beginning of many exciting activities happening at Charles Town Baptist Church this summer.
John "The GrillMaster" Mills

How not to Slip 'N Slide...

Dr. Hall pitches in to blow up the HUGE Beach Ball...only to fall into the temptation of the electric pump in Carrie's van!

How not to Slip 'N Slide...

Dr. Hall pitches in to blow up the HUGE Beach Ball...only to fall into the temptation of the electric pump in Carrie's van!
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