In the afternoon we all headed to the beach to pass out free Frisbees to anyone who wanted them. Over 25 were passed out to those willing to take them. Honestly, we had no problems with persons taking them. Each black Frisbee in imprinted with www.theultimateanswernow.com . It was beautiful day to be at the beach and the ladies enjoyed a nice bike ride on the boardwalk while Bland and Ed sat on a bench swapping stories, go figure.

Some guys tossing around a Frisbee we gave them, cool!

Just insert your own caption for this one.
Now your daily update on the Mission Trip road trips. We have a van, we have the keys, and we tend to drive in circles. Today on the way to the church we missed the exit and did not realize it for several miles. what tipped us off was passing Mt. Trashmore which was one thing that we had not seen on our various times circling the Norfolk/VA Beach/Chesapeake/Portsmith area.
The Inflatable Monkey War Continues...

Bring it on!
We deflated your brother and
We Will...We Will...Deflate You...Deflate you!
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