Today we had a good day at VBS. We kicked off the day with a balloon pop game in which the kids had to run to the chair, take a balloon, sit on the balloon until it popped and then run back to tag the next person in line. Sounds easy huh? In the words of Lee Corso, "Not so fast my friend!" Let's go to the video...
And then today during the music time, Bland put on the moves. Dude, he has got rhythm and he has style. He is such the dancer. Video don't lie.
This afternoon we went to VA beach to pass out specially made packets for lifeguards. Each kit contained: water, gum, hard candies, handi wipes, chap stick, New Testament, and an Invitation CD. Carrie and Brianna passed out a lion's share of the kits. There was not one lifeguard who turned down a kit and several thanked us for the kits.
Brianna and Carrie head out to the lifeguard stand.
Heading back after a successful kit drop off. It was a quick trip because Wednesday is Ugly Lifeguard Day at VA Beach.
Your random shot of the day.
The Inflatable Monkey War was at a lull today. However, it seems as if the monkeys have begun to form alliances with the other Inflatable Animals of the Jungle. Rumor has it that their working name is the Inflatable Jungle Animal Justice League.

The Inflatable Monkey War was at a lull today. However, it seems as if the monkeys have begun to form alliances with the other Inflatable Animals of the Jungle. Rumor has it that their working name is the Inflatable Jungle Animal Justice League.

Oh Man! I almost busted a gut on that video! You know the one I am talking about too!
yeah the one with the kids sitting on the balloon is rather hilarious!
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