Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finding God in Unexpected Places...

In a world that seems in chaos and confusion. In a postmodern, pre-Christian society, God has a way of letting His creation know that He still reigns! These clips were sent to me by a friend...

The second clip does not have the obvious reference to God, but much like the book of Esther which does not mention God, He is there. Also, if you check out You Tube you can find the clip of Shout to the Lord being preformed a second time on American Idol Gives Back.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Summer Children's Ministry Plans

Vacation Bible School
y 14-18
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Age 4 - 5th Grade
(2007-08 school year)
Family Night: July 20
featuring music, fun, food, and inflatable games!

Power up with us at VBS 2K8!

Music And Drama Day Camp

August 4-8
9:00 - Noon
K - 5th Grade
(2007-08 school year)

Registration Deadline: July 18
All children who register on or before July 18th will recieve a t-shirt and CD.

MDDC Program
Friday, August 8 @ 7:30 PM

Cost: TBA

Check back the early part of May for further details on MDDC as well as downloadable registration forms for both VBS and MDDC!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring is Springing

What an absolutely gorgeous day that God gave us today. As I looked all around the CTBC campus I saw the beautiful tapestry of spring that God has painted for us. Be sure to take the time to notice the wonderful spring colors that God is painting in His creation. Here are some of the beauty I saw today:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Step of Faith Update...

Yesterday was another exciting day at CTBC. The congregation has voted to move forward with our plans to add on to the existing building. The new building will provide CTBC with a new state of the art fellowship hall and kitchen as well as much needed classrooms for education and ministry. The new addition will allow CTBC to expand its ministries and reach out to Jefferson County with the gospel message. There was excitement and energy as the congregation praised God for His blessings to us.

The Fellowship Ministry Team provided a wonderful meal for the congregation prior to the meeting. The cakes and decorations were beautiful!

These are the architect's drawing of the building. The colored portion to the drawing is the addition. The white portion is the existing building. To enlarge just click on the picture.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Revival Recap

It was a fantastic week of revival services here at CTBC! The spirit was moving and everyone in attendance was moved and touched by God as He spoke through our evangelist, Rev. Steve Freeman. Each service Steve challenged us with the word of God in a style that combined humor, grace, and challenge. Throughout the week there were several decisions made as persons came forward to let the world know that they accepted Christ as their personal Savior, persons who joined our church through moving their church letter, as well as many who prayed at the alter and experienced God grace, forgiveness, and love. Without a doubt, it can be said that this week was one of the best weeks in the history of CTBC.

Be sure to check out Steve's website for more info on his ministry

Monday, April 14, 2008

Only 2 Days Left!

If you have not attended any of the revival services at CTBC this week then you have missed a tremendous blessing! Rev. Steve Freeman brings a blend of humor, truth, and grace to each of his messages which have inspired and challenged each of us. We rejoice in those who have come forward to let the world know that they have accepted Christ Jesus as their personal Savior. The Spirit of God is moving and calling us to action! Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity. Services are at Noon (lunch provided) and at 7:30 PM (free meal is served at 6:00 PM). If you miss it then you missed it.

Steve tells of his adventure in the deep sea.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dinner & Movie Night

On Saturday, March 29 CTBC hosted it's quarterly Dinner and Movie night featuring the movie Flywheel. It is the story of Jay Austin, a used car salesman who would do anything to sell a car. All that mattered to Jay was making the sell. "... as Jay works on restoring a classic convertible, he begins to see that god is working on him as well. Coming face-to-face with the reality of how he truly conducts himself, Jay Austin begins the ride of his life as he learns to honor God with his business, his relationships, and his life!" All those in attendance were moved by this movies warm hearted message of the hope and restoration we find in God.

Today, a member of CTBC brought in this picture of the Triumph Convertible which she and her husband owned. It is the same classic car which was restored in the movie.

In fact...this was the very car that she and her husband honeymooned it! We have not confirmed it, but we are sure that seeing the classic Triumph in Flywheel brought back many great memories of her late husband.