Monday, October 29, 2007

Chili Cook0ff 2K7

And the winners are...

(left to right) Evelyn G: Hottest, LeeAnn B, Carrie T, Bland C: 3rd place (it was a tie), Mike P: 2nd place, and Jim P: 1st place

The Annual CTBC Chili Cook-off was a huge hit. There were 15 pots of chili entered and they ranged from mild as Ivory soap to nuclear gut bomb hot. I have to say though after tasting every chili...there was not a bad one in the bunch. Everyone got a chance to judge the cook-off...with only one must taste every chili! No room for wimps. We did not use the punch card system so there were no hanging chads. But the counters did have to remove their shoes to have enough fingers and toes to count with. LOL

Congratulations to all the winners and I know that most people brought a full pot of chili and left with an empty pot. Rumors were floating that some people were trying to lick the bottom of some pots to get the last little bit of chili!

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words...

What you talkin' about Willis?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chili Cookoff 2007

CTBC Annual
Chili Cook Off
Saturday October 27
5:00 – 7:00 PM
CTBC Fellowship Hall

It is that time again! It’s time for all of you cooks to whip up that pot of chili that is sure to come in 2nd place behind Bland’s chili. As they are fond of saying around CTBC…Bland’s Chili Rocks! (well, at least Bland says it). Enter your pot of chili and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. Don’t forget…you don’t have to enter in order to join in the fun.

New Small Group Being Formed

As part of our emerging Small Group Ministry at CTBC, we are recruiting women to be a part of a new Women in Training (WiT) group. This WiT group will begin meeting in January 2008 and will meet weekly for 12 weeks. WiT is patterned after the MiT group and obviously will be for women. This group will focus on women issues and help the women continue to grow into Godly mothers, grandmothers, church members, leaders, etc. If you would be interested in being a part of this group then drop an email to us.

Also, CTBC ask that you begin or continue to pray for our emerging Small Group Ministry.

MiT Update

For the past 4 weeks ten men have been meeting each Monday night for a time of study, fellowship, sharing, and prayer. We have been using The Transformation of a Man's Heart to guide our study time. I will have to say that this book has truly touched me and has gotten me to examine my life and my masculinity in Christ. And I would venture to say that each man in the class feels similar to me. Each Monday night I go home refreshed, challenged, and energized from meeting with this group of men. There is a bond being formed as brothers in Christ. Some would say that this is a he man group that is misogynic in nature (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women), but I would totally disagree. This is a group of men who are striving to be Godly men and to learn how to be better husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and just a better man.

MiT has been a blessing for all of the participant's and in turn will be a blessing to CTBC as these men as they serve as Godly leaders at CTBC. With the success of this group there will be other MiT classes forming soon. These classes will officially begin in January 2008. If you are reading this blog and would be interested in being a part of MiT then please contact me.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Hungry Jacks and Jills

Last night over 70 people enjoyed an all you can eat pancake dinner hosted by the CTBC Fellowship Ministry Team. The dinner consisted of pancakes, sausage,and sausage gravy. No one, I repeat NO ONE went home hungry. Including a few people I know who have empty legs to store all the food they can eat. :-) In fact Ed B. who can whip out some pancakes stated that he cooked at least 1001 pancakes and there was none left. He had to scrape the batter off the bowl in order to make just a couple of pancakes. I am not sure, but I think I saw someone even putting syrup on the plate the pancakes were on and eating the crumbs.

As the saying goes...Kiss the Cooks

Mr. Pancake himself...Ed B.

Mr. Pancake #2....Jim G.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We Went, We Saw, We Had A Blast!

On November 11, 10 ladies from CTBC took a day trip to the Winchester, VA to visit the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley It was reported by one participant that they "had more fun than a Barrel of Monkeys."

I realize that some of you who will be reading this will say to yourself, "Regis, what is a Barrel of Monkeys? How do you get monkeys in a barrel? And where is PETA when you need them?" Actually, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Barrel of Monkeys is a toy game first created by Lakeside Toys in 1965. Today it is produced by the Milton Bradley Company. Milton Bradley's editions consist of a toy barrel in either blue, yellow, red, or green. The barrel contains 12 monkeys, their color usually corresponding to the barrel's color. The instructions on the bottom of the barrel state "Dump monkeys onto table. Pick up one monkey by an arm. Hook other arm through a second monkey's arm. Continue making a chain. Your turn is over when a monkey is dropped." In addition to these basic instructions, the barrel also contains instructions for playing alone or with two or more players." Check out this link to purchase this inexpensive game which will provide hours of fun for all ages If you want to satisfy your immediate craving to purchase a Barrel of Monkeys you might want to check out Wal-Mart, Toy R Us, Target, K-B Toys, etc. Besides you will avoid shipping charges.

Hence, I digress. Rumors have it that these ladies got a little silly as the day wore on. And as they say the proof is in the pudding or pictures...

Upon arriving at the museum...

Mid afternoon...
Every participant reported that they had a great time and that the ice cream at the Dairy Freeze was par excellent as usual. If you ever stop there I recommend the raspberry/vanilla swirl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


On Monday night, 10/1, there was a group of 9 men who gathered together to be a part of the inaugural Men in Training (MiT) small group. This group of men have committed to meet once a week for the next 12 weeks for a time of study, fellowship, friendship, and Christian growth. Each are willing to allow there hearts to be transformed by God into the man that God has created them to be. This transformation that will not only positively impact their lives, but the lives of their family, friends, and CTBC. MiT is reading and working through The Transformation of a Man's Heart complied and edited by Stephen W. Smith. It is a book in which 12 writers offer their reflection on the masculine journey and in turn offer each man who reads the book an opportunity to reflect on their personal masculine journey. This MiT group uses the confession written by Smith, in chapter one, as it prayer for their lives and the group.

God uses flawed men to accomplish His purposes.
I am a flawed man.
I am a man in process.
God is using me now and will continue to use me in the future to accomplish what He desires.
I am not perfect, but I am available.
Come, O God, and transform my heart.

If you a reading this blog I ask that you covenant with me and this MiT group to pray daily for MiT, their families, and CTBC.

Prayer and Praise Service
Sunday October 7 & 14
6:00 p.m.
CTBC Sanctuary

This is your invitation to be a part of these informal drop-in services. Join us anytime between 6:00 - 6:45 pm on 11/7 and between 6:00 - 6:30 pm on 11/14. To quote the popular praise song, “Come just as you are to worship”. Also, starting at 5:30 pm you will not want to miss Discipleship Training for adults, youth choir for youth, and children's choir + Bible Skillz for children.

Check out this blog in the next couple of days for info about the CTBC Pancake Dinner on 10/14. It is free and you can eat until you can't eat another bite!