Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Sneek Peek Into The Past

On June 8, 2008 the Charles Town Baptist Church found a way to beat the first heat wave of the summer. It hosted a Summer’s Here Picnic featuring Wild and Wonderful Water Games. Traditional picnic fare such as grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, baked beans, salads, fruit, and desserts galore lined the tables. While many of the adults fellowshipped together in the air conditioned CTBC building, all the children (young and old) took to the church yard to cool off. The children beat the heat with several different water games including water balloon volleyball, a water balloon fight, and the ever popular Slip ‘N Slide. It was just the beginning of many exciting activities happening at Charles Town Baptist Church this summer.

John "The GrillMaster" Mills

How not to Slip 'N Slide...

Dr. Hall pitches in to blow up the HUGE Beach Ball...only to fall into the temptation of the electric pump in Carrie's van!

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