Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More Progress Pictures of the Addition

Here are some recent pictures of the ongoing construction project of our addition.  The brickwork matches perfectly from the old part to the new part.  On the inside, barriers have been put up over in the fellowship hall so as not to get dust everywhere from the construction work.  As you can see, you can't get back into the hallway where the Nursery, bathrooms and Children's I department was.  You can't walk straight through the church anymore.  Thank goodness there was another door over in the Sunday School department to be able to get to the Children's I, Children's II and Youth Department.  The Mary and Martha Class is using the made-over 4's and 5's room as their class room now as their old room is going to be come the new library.  Nursery is now being held in "Miss Nancy's Room" over behind the choir room. 

Our new completion date is July 15th, or basically - the middle of July.  Unfortunately, we won't be able to use the new space for VBS this year since it starts on July 13th.  (More info on that later, tho.)

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