Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jefferson County Community Ministries Food Pantry Needs

“Second Sunday Gleaning”

We would like to offer CTBC a different and exciting
new way to donate food and support our local Food
Pantry and the great work they do in feeding those in
need in Jefferson County.

As you know, we publish on a weekly basis the current
needs of the food pantry. Rather than taking an entire
list of items to the grocery store, we are proposing you
try this method…..

If your name begins with:
A-D, please donate dry cereals and oatmeals ONLY
E-H please donate canned soups ONLY
I-L please donate pancake mix and syrup ONLY
M-P please donate canned fruits ONLY
Q-T please donate peanut butter and jelly ONLY
U-Z please donate canned vegetables ONLY (except corn, peas, green beans)

We have designated the “Second Sunday” of each month to be the day where your donations will be gathered for delivery to JCCM. Of course, you may donate at any time that is convenient for you, but the 2nd Sunday will be the “gleaning” time. There will be grocery carts and baskets prominently displayed in the overflow corner for you to place your gifts.

We want to thank you in advance for your wonderful generosity and support of this community mission project!

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