Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Plunge into Worship!

This entry is being written on Wednesday morning. Why not last night? Why, you ask. I will tell you why. By the end of the night I was dazed and confused with excitement! I tried to write but it made no sense...even to my scatter brain. So, I sit here on Wednesday moring reminicing about last night's VBS. It was another night of fun, energy, games, food, energy, worship, and did I mention energy? The air was electric with excitement as the kids and adults learned to Plunge into Worship. JP the penguin who lives in a water park, our VBS mascot, reminded us that worship is living each day to the glory of God. We were encouraged to live each day to the fullest and to give God glory in everything that we do. And that is what living a life of worship is all about.

Personally, I loved the splash point because I beleive that in our lives worship is not problem. The problem is worshipping the right person. Just look at the magazines and news shows and you can see who and what our world worships. Fame, money, poularity, movies stars, etc. are worship by thier adoring fans every day. But, they find out that thier worship is empty and void. The VBS kids learned that by worship in Jesus they can find fullfillment in thier lives. They learned what the most important thing is that is worshipping Christ Jesus. It is my prayer tht every kid and adult who atttended last night will learn to give God the glory for thier lives. And that is my prayer for everyone who is reading this blog or breathing on planet earth.

Looking for pics? Look no further:

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