Tuesday, July 24, 2007

VBS Wrap-Up

Being fairly new at this blog thing, I have to apologize for being so late in this post. But, it has given me a couple of days to reflect on the week that was. It was a fantastic week and if the smiles on faces are a reflection then everyone had a blast! The music was great as were the games and crafts and food and friends and you name it and it was great. I have to say that my favorite part of VBS was the holy moments in worship when I knew that God was there. The kids sang "The Gift of My Heart"

Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways.

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.

Lord, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Now I kneel before You as the king of my life;
I will honor You in all ways

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise

Jesus, You are Lord.
You are Lord.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.
Oh, I come before You with the gift of my heart
and I lift it up to You in praise.

The sheer innocence and love of Christ and openness to His Spirit was a touching thing. Tears came into my eyes each time I heard the song sang because I knew that God was there and smiling at the sacrifice of song. Scripture tells us that unless we become like little children we shall never see the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom on earth was evident as the children sang and truly offered their hearts to God in worship.

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